Once he had opened the doors of the Tower, the gaping portal that appeared before him slowly drew him towards it. He dug in his heels, but otherwise didn't resist the effect, unsure whether it was normal or a trap. As he slid across the floor tiles, he turned to address his newly met party. "[url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1MMkzAXulzt]Is this the way?[/url]" he paused as the dwarf soared by his head, hurdling into the portal. "[url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s0P1vaW4nLzP]Oh, okay,[/url]" and with that simple utterance, he relaxed his muscles and fell face forwards into the coruscating singularity. Athalzerus was launched from the portal in a high-domed room, where he slid face-first across a mosaic of small, but clearly not fragile tiles, until his momentum ground to a halt. Carefully, he stood up, turning to make sure the rest of the group had made it through before nodding to himself.