Took me a bit because I'm lazy, but here I am. [hider=Receiver] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Alexis "Lexi" Thorburn [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 15 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Lexi] [img][/img] Stands at 170cm. [/hider] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] One can only describe this girl as "happy." Lexi is almost always smiling and is almost always prepared to make everyone else smile too. Her cheeriness and optimism is as natural to her as breathing, making it quite difficult to enrage or sadden her. While it seems to take no effort for her to stay in a bright mood regardless of circumstance, Lexi actually does make an effort to please those around her. She can't stand a dark or gloomy atmosphere and will actively try to change it. Sometimes this makes her a bit insensitive, but even then she is quick to try and correct her mistakes. If optimism could be considered her weapon then her cheeriness would be her shield. She is still quick to rely on others, as she isn't the smartest or the most physically-able. Her presence is made usually through volume and tempo rather than action and popularity. Her energy may be off-putting to some, but that won't ever stop her. [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Lexi finds herself to be a comedian, having no shortage of jokes and puns, both good and bad. Perhaps it could be her cheery nature, but she is never one to shy away from any kind of artistic expression regardless of any lack of skill she may have in it. A terrible artist and musician, but that won't stop her from trying. Something she is actually good at is her innate ability to lighten the mood of any atmosphere. No room can stay gloomy with Lexi nearby. [u][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] Lexi wasn't told of her status as a Receiver until she was ten years old, which ended up proving to be a difficult thing to explain to the girl. But once she got her head around Aether and the world she was about to dive in she felt excited and was thus quite interested in learning how exactly to become a good Receiver. While born and raised in the United States she was eager to adapt to Japanese culture when her family sent her away to Akiyama-Kruez Academy. While many of the locals found her fondness for their nature to be borderline offensive, it was always dismissed as genuine naivety and excitement. Even now, as she has officially enrolled in Akiyama-Kruez, Lexi is yet to waver in her youthful and energetic ways. [u][b]Tuner:[/b][/u] -TBD- New Student [/hider] [hider=Tuner] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Shun Hamasaki [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Shun][img][/img] Not pictured are the jeans and black boots he often wears. Stands at 185cm. [/hider] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Rude, arrogant, and abrasive are a few words to describe Shun. He much prefers to be alone and usually keeps to himself when he doesn't have to interact with anyone. While he isn't particularly vocal he is still plenty hostile to anyone that tries to breach his solitude, even if they are his superiors or even his Receiver. His quiet but mean attitude makes him hard to get along with, though he can easily be tolerated by just leaving him alone. Unless someone wants to be snapped at, or worse, then it would be best to not get on Shun's nerves by pestering him with anything unimportant. Some may speculate that his cold exterior hides a warm heart, but he is yet to show any signs of any kind of kindness. If he is not obligated to someone then he won't be nice to them. [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Weapon [u][b]Weapon:[/b][/u] [i]Hand Cannon[/i] - Shun's capability as a Tuner stands on a fine line between Weapon types and Ability types. After amassing Aether over time he can discharge all of it in a large blast of pure power by pointing his hand in the shape of a gun and firing from his fingertip. The amount of Aether required for just one shot is nothing to joke about, considering the massive firepower it provides. As such it is an attack that cannot be used constantly. The only way for Shun to fire consecutive shots would be to charge enough Aether for multiple shots beforehand, which would mean he would have to go significantly longer without firing to achieve the charge. The rate at which he charges is entirely dependent on his Synch Ratio with his receiver. An awe-inspiring and powerful attack that can only be used infrequently. [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Despite having good marks in his academics, something that many find surprising considering his disposition, his most notable skill is in fighting. Even with an abysmal Synch Ratio he is capable of displaying strength beyond expectations, and even without any Aether his physical capability and martial form is nothing to shake a stick at. Outside of school and combat, however, he has only one hobby that can be classified as a skill: poetry. Though most of it is made out of anger and thrown away quickly, eliminating most evidence of his hobby, it is still one of the few things he does when he has free time. [u][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] Shun Hamasaki was discovered to be a Tuner from a very early age, due to his father Hirohito Hamasaki being a Tuner himself. He was raised to fulfill his role as such, being trained to fight and resonate with Aether. The training was strict and threatened to consume his childhood and social life, something that Shun fought against. There was constant tension between him and his father, and by the time he was sent to Akiyama-Kruez Academy their relationship was almost at the boiling point. The result was a teenage Shun entering a school against his will. It was discovered quickly that he had great strength and combat potential, but it was also discovered quickly that Shun could never have a good Synch Ratio with any of the other students. This not only affected combat but social lives, as often the Receivers he was paired up with would complain and inevitably be paired with someone else. The constant change of partner never really helped Shun, but he has never complained about it either. He had become notoriously difficult to work with, despite his potential, and has shown no signs of remorse or willingness to change. Whether that is to spite his father or the academy is yet to be seen. [u][b]Receiver:[/b][/u] -TBD- [/hider]