Sagax was whipped out of his thoughts by a sudden booming voice from nearby, and all the sounds of the camp returned to him. He was ever so slightly irritated; he was quite enjoying his star-gazing. Scanning the area for the source of the rude interruption brought to his attention a large nordic man, the same one that was shouting above the camp during the big announcement. Apparently he kicked cats. With him were two other people, one Sagax recognized as a woman named Sevine but he didn't know the other one, who was much smaller than both the man and Sevine. The cat kicker was up in the smaller woman's face, yelling about swindling and games or something. Sevine was very clearly not happy with his intrusion. Sagax then took a note of a man who he couldn't really remember the name of...Jibber? Jorbin? No, wait, Jorwen, yes, Jorwen was his name. He didn't really appear to be looking for a fight. Maybe he was going to attempt to intervene and calm things down? It would be most welcome; whatever would get the cat kicker to quit bickering. Sagax hopped back down from his perch and stretched out. Sitting on hard wooden crates didn't exactly do wonders for one's joints. Deciding that maybe Jorwen would appreciate some assistance if things did get a bit heated, Sagax found a tent nearest the confrontation and hid behind it, head slightly poking out so he could watch the affair. Hell, maybe he'd even get to see that cat kicker get taken down a notch. What kind of person kicks cats, anyway? That's just cruel!