And here we go! [h3]Suniyama Sakie- Receiver[/h3] [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 16 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Female [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [url=]"H-hello..."[/url] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: A shy girl with a tendency to be a tad clumsy when not engaged in anything related to self defense. Sakie seems to be one of those people who gives off the impression of a rabbit and will often freeze when put on the spot light. She tends to like to be on the quieter side and enjoys ordinary things a girl her age likes such as cute fluffy animals and cooking, though her other tastes might be a bit more unsettling considering she is a massive martial arts and weapons enthusiast. [u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: She is versed in several forms of Chinese martial arts, particularly Piguaquan and Baguazhang as well as quite handy with the short spear and staff. She is also very good at wilderness survival and can easily survive if stuck in places without human habitation long enough for rescue to find her. Other than that, Sakie is an excellent cook that specializes in Chinese cuisine. [u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: Sakie is a girl with a pretty unorthodox childhood considering she was made to vigilantly practice martial arts and harsh personal tempering while she was young as opposed to being able to run about and be carefree like most children her age. As a result of this, the girl has becomes somewhat socially awkward and withdrawn due to a combination of factors such as not being interested in regular teenage things and being somewhat eccentric despite her wishes to fit in. Her finding out she was a Receiver was met with a mixed reaction considering now she would be able to hang out in a place where her particular background might be considered useful, but at the same time not having the power to directly confront the enemy due to being in a support role as a Receiver. [u][b]Tuner[/b][/u]: No One As of Yet.