[center] [h2][color=8dc73f] Izumi Kaede[/color][/h2] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/OimW1ON.gif[/IMG] [/center] Izumi looked Rei in the eye as the thin blue haired girl spoke to her, when Rei was finished speaking Izumi karate chopped Rei in the top of her head before telling her."[color=8dc73f]No.[/color]" She reeled her arm back to look at Rei." [color=8dc73f] It's not my goal to make any of the students feel scared, or to be a..Jerk as you call it. I only try to remind them mentally that things can, and some times will change, so expect the unexpected. Also don't give your Oneechan sarcasm because it will earn you disrespect.[/color]" Izumi told the young Momoko. The moment when Addie jumped and gotten scared by something in the door and then asked what would they do, Izumi almost lazily turned towards the door to see nothing and turned back to the girls. Izumi quickly delivered a heavy karate chop to the top of Addie's head for making her think there was threat nearby, she held back half her normal strength in the chop hoping she wouldn't hurt Addie too much." [color=8dc73f]Rei, do you consider yourself the leader of this little group you have here ? [/color]" Izumi asked her."[color=8dc73f] Because if you do then you need to take in the ideas of the others your working with and not just give them orders, and give them task to do, there is much more to being a leader than just giving orders.[/color]" She told Rei hoping the blue haired Momoko would listen."[color=8dc73f] And look out for the weakest in your group.[/color]" She spoke about Addie. She then crossed her arms and closed her eyes, sunlight began to beam into the room and Izumi almost seemed to glow and sparkle before she spoke to Rei."[color=8dc73f] Your not your sister Rei, there's no need for you to keep thinking you are, and you don't need to be better than her, your different than her so be your own person and try not to....Lose your way when you find it Rei.[/color]" Izumi told her. The Stoic third year looked to all three of them and noticed something about Sayaka, she pulled on one of the bandages on Sayaka's face and noticed more of her pale skin around her chin before Sayaka leaned back and pulled the bandages up onto her chin not saying anything feeling as if she'd get karate chopped like Rei and Addie, but sadly like the two Izumi still karate chopped Sayaka." [color=8dc73f]Have Sympathy for your team, and you'll go a long way.[/color]"