Name: Zebulon Age: 15 Gender: male Race : Shade :A race of Black-skinned people who are humanoid in appearance, Individual appearance and abilities vary from person to person. Titles: Night-Weaver. Child of darkness. Umbral knight. Side: Turncoat from dark to light-Zebulon was once sided with darkness but then turned on them, he is now allied with light Weapons: Mournfang - Mournfang is a black scythe with a jagged blade, along the blade is a pattern of crimson veins that branch out and curve inwards until they reach the tip. Abilities: Racial: Invisibility(only when the moon is out) Other: Zebulon has learned overtime to shapeshift from his usual, blackskined and nightmarish appearance into a human facade with brown hair, icy blue eyes and light skin. Racial: Moon-flames: Zebulon can manipulate an indigo colored flame that acts like normal fire but is slightly more difficult to extinguish. Talents: Stealth, scythe-style combat. Personality: Despite being on the side of good, Zebulon is yet to overcome his love of slaughtering enemies, wether they deserve it or not. Otherwise, Zebulon is a wise, calm, smart and clever "person" that respects all races, This does not mean he would hate killing someone of a different race, this simply implies that he wouldn't slaughter anyone of any race or disrespect them at random. Bio When Zebulon was 10, He moved to a town called ravenrend, The town was fairly medium sized, there was military action keeping ravenrend safe and even a training hall, Zebulon's mother, Ellis wasn't to keen on the idea of moving once she got there, but her son was eager to see what new home awaited him, Zebulon got out of the caravan and ran into town to begin exploration, the town was busy, people of several races gilded ravenrend with their presences, shops smelling of fruit and much, much more, Unfortunately, Lack for racism was not among them. Overtime Zebulon began to notice people being mistreated, townsfolk were beaten for no reason by guards, some guards grabbed children and threw them down, other guards would even execute public killings, One day, a guard barged into Zebulon's room and took Ellis with them, Zebulon ran fourth and asked them for their reason, and, being as young as he was, they didn't expect him to know what their answer meant:"Darkness has no empathy", but Zebulon knew fully what this meant, Soldiers of the darkness had always infested his life, and so Zebulon decided to finally do something about it Zebulon tackled one of the soldiers and slammed his head against a wall, knocking him unconscious, he grabbed the mans sword and impaled the second, leaving him with no time to acknowledge the third guard dragging his mother away, guards who heard the ruckus came in and pinned Zebulon down, they threw a sack over his head and awoke in the dungeon of ravenrend a cloaked figure spoke to Zebulon and told him that their were worse people than the darkness, and that if he joined them, he could stop them, from there, Zebulon became a weapon of darkness, For years had Zebulon served as a soldier of darkness, killing the weak and recruiting the strong, up until the day when he returned to ravenrend to see the town had been long burned to ashes, as he roamed through the remains of the town, he saw bodies that were decayed and bloody, as well as the head of his dead mother on a pike, from then on, Zebulon pledged his life to light, and vowed to Avenge the town of ravenrend, his mother, and do justice to the millions of lives he has ended. Extras: Zebulon's left eye is gilded by a white painted circle with runes running around it.