Okay so I made a new character that is alike Seiji in name and history but I changed his personality, appearance, KG and jutsu. [hider=Seji Onoda][center][img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/dd54/th/pre/i/2013/252/a/1/naruto_oc___yukio_by_tejama-d6locv6.png[/img] [color=440e62]"I will always rise from the ashes"[/color] - Seji Onoda [color=440e62]Basic Info:[/color] Name: Seji Onoda Nickname/Alias: The Phoenix of the Leaf Gender: Male Age and date of birth: 15, October 28th Age Appearance: 15-16 Sexuality: heterosexual Parents: Unknown, adopted by Suko and Yanagi Onoda (both alive) Length and build: 5'9" with an athletic build Weight: 145lbs. Favorite weather and season: Spring, enjoys rain Village: Kohonagakure Birthplace: Kohonagakure Organization: Shinobi Forces Clan/Bloodline: Unknown, adopted by the Onoda clan Rank: Genin Chakra Nature: Ash Release (Fire/Earth) [color=440e62]Character Appearances:[/color] Appearance: Seji is a reasonably tall young man for his age with an athletic build. He looks like he's made for speed and stamina. His white hair falls close to his violet colored eyes. His odd eye color seems to draw attention to some people, seeing as how rare it is. His eyes and hair color make him stick out like a sore thumb sometimes, especially in his own adopted clan. Seji is not the strongest kid on the block but he can strike fast and is agile. But damn can he take a punch, he's a resilient son of a bitch. You will rarely see him smile, as he usually keeps a neutral face especially when situations become serious. In battle Seji wears black pants with dark purple sandals. His shirt is white and on top of that is a black hoodie. Both of his forearms are usually wrapped in bandages. [color=440e62]Personal Information:[/color] Personality: Seji is a bright and happy youth. He has a brain made for someone far beyond his young age. Being the outgoing and jolly person he is, people sometimes believe he's just some dumb, rambunctious kid. This is quite wrong, as he is wildly smart. In the academy his test results showed just how smart he really was, and during the spars his tactical brilliance shined. Being an extrovert, he craves human interaction, and his heart is guided by emotions. This can also be a flaw because despite his brilliance he can sometimes be clouded by emotion which can be the downfall of a ninja. Along with happiness comes a strong determination to be a great ninja. Behind the happy glint in his eyes you can see the ambition burning, he strives for greatness. Seji acts on two extremes. Most of the time he is happy and relaxed but when he becomes angered he can lose sight of the objective and instead becomes guided by instinct and raw emotion. In the end Seji just wants to make people happy and be a strong ninja. History: It was a rainy day when Suko and Yanagi Onoda stumbled upon an abandoned baby on the outskirts of the Hidden Leaf Village. Seji's cries were drowned out by the rain but was pitied upon by the Onoda couple. They took him in with the intentions of finding and returning him to his rightful parents within the next couple of days. After searching and asking around for a few weeks, the Onodas decided that since Yanagi was not able to bare children and they had always wanted a son, that they would adopt Seji. Growing up Seji obviously knew he was adopted, and knowing that his parents abandoned him left him slightly bitter but he got used to it after a while. Knowing he couldn't even trust the parents that left him, made him not want to trust anyone. For a while he only interacted with his adoptive parents. During his academy days Seji kept his head down and got his work done. Being a bright student he excelled in his classwork, and trained hard. All he wanted to do was make his parents proud, and along with that came a strong ambition to become a strong ninja. Learning his kekkei genkai was extremely hard due to having no one to teach him, seeing as it came from his parents and he didn't even know the surname of his true bloodline. With raw determination and a fiery will to become powerful, Seji gritted through extreme training to heighten his kekkei genkai. Now with Seji becoming a genin, he is actually quite delighted, his ninja journey to become strong and to make his parents proud can begin. Theme Song: Kings Never Die- Eminem [color=440e62]Battle Arsenal[/color] Weapons/Items: Seji carries standard ninja tools. Kunai, shuriken, wire, explosive tags, and a couple small scrolls with Fuma shuriken sealed inside. [color=440e62]Skills and Techniques:[/color] Skills/Abilities: - Ninjutsu and taijutsu specialist - Intelligent and strategic mind - Lacks skill in genjutsu - Just enough chakra control to perform the jutsu in his arsenal but not enough to perform precise jutsu such as genjutsu Special Traits: - Violet colored eyes and white hair. - Larger than average chakra pool due to the nature of his Kekkei Genkai. Kekkei Genkai: Ash Release, the bloodline limit of an unknown clan. Ash Release is the combination of Fire and Earth chakra natures. Traits/Abilities of Kekkei Genkai: Ash Release allows the user to create and manipulate the substance called ash and infuse their chakra with it. Users can expel large clouds of ash and ignite it in combat. Other uses include making clones out of it and concealing themselves in it because they are immune to the harmful effects it can have on the body. User of this can also see through their own ash they create so their visibility is not taken away. Jutsu: Canon Jutsu: Seji has mastered all the academy techniques Custom Jutsu: Name of Technique: Ash Release: Cloud Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu Rank: D Range: Close to Long Nature Type: Ash Handseals: Dragon -> Horse -> Ox -> Ram -> Snake -> Tiger Description: After performing the hand seals Seji expels a cloud of ash from his mouth. The ash itself is irritating to the lungs and eyes and decreases the visibility to zero to all those inside it. This technique is good for ambushes because most people can't see inside it unless they have the Sharingan or Byakugan. Seji can see inside it as if I wasn't there and suffers no ill effects from the ash. Weakness: All of his Ash techniques are vulnerable to water jutsu and all of his techniques can be hindered by wind techniques. Escaping the cloud is the best way to render this technique useless. ==================== Name of Technique: Ash Release: Ignite! Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu Rank: C Range: None Nature Type: Ash Handseals: The Seal of Confrontation Description: After performing the handseal Seji can cause any of the ash he has created to explode. He usually uses this technique in conjunction with his Cloud and Clone techniques. Weakness: The standard weaknesses of his Ash techniques. Getting out of the blast zone or creating a shield will stop this technique. The more ash there is the more chakra it takes to ignite it. ==================== Name of Technique: Ash Release: Clone Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu Rank: C Range: None Nature Type: Ash Handseals: The Clone Seal Description: After performing the hand seal Seji can create up to two clones made of ash. They will explode if they come in contact with the opponent or they can be manually detonated with his Ignite! Technique. Weakness: The standard weaknesses for all of his Ash techniques. Escaping the blast zone or creating a shield still stop this technique. ==================== Name of Technique: Ash Release: Armour Type of Jutsu: Nintaijutsu Rank: D Range: Close Nature Type: Ash Handseals: Bird -> Ox -> Ram -> Tiger Description: After performing the handseals Seji is shrouded in a thin cloud of hot ash. This enhances his taijutsu greatly because anyone who comes in contact with him will be burned from the ash. Weakness: The standard weaknesses of his Ash techniques plus the fact that if you keep your distance this technique will have no effect. [/center][/hider]