While the others may have been mesmerized or perhaps frightened by the new contents which surrounded them, Marianne only smiled all the wider. Moving away Jacoby, she stared at the endless void of space that seemed to be literally hanging over their heads, as if it was yet another gateway into some other world. Such things weren’t impossible by a wizard of true power and it was breathtaking to witness nonetheless. Held in her hand now was the small, black book she had been fetching from her dress pocket. It was adorned with a simple cross pattern made of leather and was roughly the size of a moderate tome or grimoire. Still not uttering a word to her new companions, Marianne instead brought the book closer to her and moved her lips, as if speaking. From her reaction-which included more of her noiseless giggles-the book seemed to be amusing her in some way. Still, it would do no good in sharing these pleasant wonders by herself. Spinning on her heels, the dark mage glanced around to make sure her new traveling companions were all fine. Once that had been ensured, she began walking around the impossibly circular room. The massive pillars drew her interest, much like everything in the surrounding room. It was as if someone had intended this to be both an art gallery and an observatory at the same time. Oh what wondrous things that could lie at the heart of this tower! She knew it was good instinct on her part to take this job.