Ryen was only a few steps away from the doorway started to crack open. [b]”Thank-“[/b] but that was all she managed to get out when the ground in front of them cracked with an electrical discharge. A loud sound emitted from the impact as white and blue shards of lightening fizzled in the air around the area. Just to her right, Ellie screamed and quelled. While Ryen, still in shock, was trying to figure out why the ship had aimed a shot at them. It was clear, in a matter of seconds, that it wasn’t the ship’s fault as their captain appeared from behind the opening door, pistol barrel aimed right at Ellie’s head. The poor women looked like she was about to faint. [b]”Damnit…”[/b] Before Ryen or Ellie could make sense of what was happening, Lazlo had clamped his hands on their shoulders and had practically drug them inside. The door behind them was shut and the decontamination process had started before the mechanic could find her words. The captain however, beat her to it. [b]”I only gave you two commands…”[/b] Even through the white mist, Ryen could see Ellie visibly flinch at the onslaught, [b]”…It’s like working with children…”[/b] [b]”I’m sorry. I tried-”[/b] Ryen tried to get out, but Lazlo’s words continued to mow her over. [b]”…DO YOU HEAR ME?”[/b] Ryen swallowed hard and nodded, trying hard not to think about what the recourse for their tardiness would be. In the meantime, she reached out and put a steadying hand on the technician’s shoulder. The woman looked like she was about to faint. [b]”He was… smiling,”[/b] Ellie said in a barely audible whisper. [b]”Does he know?”[/b] The mechanic was just about to ask for clarification when Lazlo’s shout reminded them that they would be taking off shortly. After making certain that the other woman was okay and would be able to make it to her station on her own, Ryen headed to hers located near the ship’s Core Subsystem. [b]”Maria,”[/b] Ryen called out as she hurriedly strapped herself in and logged into one of the ship’s informational panels, pulling it out on its hinges so it was more easily accessible. [b]”I take it that the cores are warmed up already?”[/b] [b]”Mechanic,”[/b] the ship replied, it’s mechanical voice sounding more disapproving than usual, [b]”I don’t do your job for you.”[/b] In front of her, the screen flashed to the ship’s energy diagram detailing just what was happening to the ship. Unfortunately, the cores hadn’t been properly warmed up [i]again[/i]. This meant in order for the ship to take off, power had to be shifted away from other processes. The shielding, to Ryen’s horror, was sitting at 5%. Enough to protect the ship from rouge space debris damage and not much else. In addition, the medical bay, galley, and two storage lockers had been temporarily shut down. [b]”We could shut down power and processes to the extra residential rooms,”[/b] Ryen said. Scanning through more power signature data. [b]”This would allow us to temporarily boost the shields.”[/b] [b]”The power draw of a single extra room is almost negligible at this point.”[/b] The AI replied. [b]”Just one?”[/b] Ryen replied worrying at her lip, [b]”I thought we had more.”[/b] Had she read the ships map wrong a while back? Disregarding the thought, Ryen continued scanning through the ships bios. There was simply not enough power in the cores yet to get them off of a planet of any substantial size. Thankfully, Federation Stronghold lacked both an atmosphere and a substantial gravitational pull. A dramatic dip in the ship’s energy reserves was all the Ryen noticed about their take off. *** When Ryen arrived to the galley both Quincy and Ellie were already there. Using the, once again fully powered replicator, she selected a large green salad with Teta Mushrooms. A sort of penance for her near escape. [b]”He’s crazy, you know.”[/b] Ryen whispered to the technician who was, as faithfully as ever, typing away at her pad. [b]”He almost shot us.”[/b] [b]”I don’t think… he wouldn’t have…”[/b] Ellie stammered, not sounding very convinced. [b]”Your faces were hilarious!”[/b] Quincy said, tapping his lit cigarette against a near empty bowel. From its contents, Ryen guessed it was what was left of the doctor’s late lunch [b]”Hilarious!”[/b] [b]”He almost killed us!”[/b] Ryen shouted, wiping the grin off Quincy’s face. [b]”Why didn’t you let us in?”[/b] The doctor just sighed and brought some sort of tool out of his lab coat pocket. [b]”If you’d been back on time, that wouldn’t have happened. You know? You’d be safe inside and my medical bay would currently be up and running.”[/b] Ryen shot him a disgusted look. [b]”Plus, it wasn’t like I [i]knew[/i] he was going to shoot first and ask questions later.”[/b] [b]”Who’s shooting who?”[/b] This came from Gunther who appeared at the galley doors, a small child-like figure hovering behind him. However, the meek creature, instead of making her way, like the solider over to the large central table, instead sat herself down on the floor near the door. [b]”That’s Seita,”[/b] Gunter continued but before he could finish, Lazlo appeared. *** [b]"I don't suppose you broke a third of my commands, did you?"[/b] Lazlo asked as he took her chip card away. Ryen racked her brain as the man loomed over her. [b]”I… don’t think so…”[/b] Ryen stammered, trying to figure out what he was referring to. [b]”I didn’t buy a weapon if that’s what you’re asking about.”[/b] Although, with the events of today, maybe she should really reconsider it. Ryen accepted her card back as Lazlo continued his speech. Halfway through, she was struck with the thought that maybe, just maybe, the man was a bit deranged. She’d just wanted some safe off world transport. Tests? Assessments? Best of the Best? Ellie, sure. Gunther, why not. But Quincy? Really? And where did the young girl fit in? Looking around, Ryen took in the faces around the table. Ellie and Quincy seemed as surprised as she was but Gunther was taking the news more casually than she’d expect. Had the solider suspected this all along? Around the table, everyone was quietly watching as Lazlo presented the crew members bios one by one. Gunther’s information was impressive. Ryen didn’t know much about military status but even she could appreciate his scores in marksmanship. His service and travel record was also extensive, expanding over a large portion of Federation Planets and some, like Syrae, non-controlled ones. Ryen listened as he accepted his position. The next time she had the opportunity, Ryen wanted to bring to Gunter’s attention the incident in the hotel today. Next, Lazlo, presented information about the good doctor. Once again, Ryen felt like the last one to know. Gunther simply nodded and Ellie’s lack of any interest in the information spoke volumes. Nevertheless, Ryen was having problems swallowing the information presented. Sure, Quincy had seemed like a good enough doctor. He’d fixed her dislocated shoulder and had done something to the tipsy Ellie but it was hard for her to come to terms with the fact that this person sitting next to her, puffing away at his cigarette could ever be considered one of the best. Yet there they were. Test scores, class rankings, and surgical outcomes flashed across the screen. Quincy let out a low laugh as Ryen realized her jaw was dangling open. [b]”Yes sir, loud and clear.”[/b] So stunned by the presented information, that the mechanic almost missed Lazlo’s mention of Quincy’s curative ‘methods’. [b]”What [i]methods[/i]?”[/b] Ryen asked. Gunther shrugged, Ellie blushed, Quincy smirked, while Lazlo and Seita seemingly ignored her comment. Next was the technician’s turn. If Ryen was stunned by Quincy’s record it was nothing compared to how she felt about Ellie’s. This shy woman who tittered when she spoke and swooned at the drop of a hat, was in fact a super spy? Sure, you couldn’t judge a book by its cover but you should be able to get close? Right? Ryen glanced sideways at Ellie while Lazlo continued to list her qualifications. The technician, was turning redder than a tomato. [b]”… Her responsibility is to store every piece of information which the crew comes across and to provide any information requested by the members of the crew…”[/b] Lazlo continued. Ryen’s ears picked up. [i]Any[/i] information? Perhaps Ellie could help her decipher her father’s journal. Perhaps Ellie could find just what her father had been doing on Beclaeobus. Perhaps, Ellie could help Ryen find [i]her mother[/i]. A picture flashed in the mechanic head, unaltered by time. A beautiful woman with fiery red hair and a kind smile. It was all almost too much to hope for. That’s when Lazlo pressed a button and a slide with the words ‘Ryen Arleth’ appeared on the screen. Underneath were grades, class rank, and previous occupations. How could she possibly stack up to Quincy’s achievements, Gunther’s assignments, or Ellie’s sheer amount of programing knowledge? The answer was quiet clearly that she could not. Her information didn’t just look lackluster; it looked down right pathetic compared to the rest of the team’s. Unconsciously Ryen slunk a little lower in her chair, while she felt rather than saw everyone’s eyes on her. She wanted to explain, prove that she was so much more than what was up there. Someone coughed loudly, probably Quincy, when Lazlo mentioned the word “jobs”. Yes, not only was her rap sheet the worst, but thanks to her delay this morning, portions of the ship were just starting to be fully powered again. [b]“…Is that understood, Ryen?"[/b] Lazlo prompted. [b]”Clearer than Syrae crystal.”[/b] she replied. As he went on to describe her functionality within the crew, Ryen felt her confidence boost a little. Full access to the subsystems? Her fingers involuntarily twitched as a small grin played on her face. Oh Maria, Maria, watch out! *** [b]”Please follow the lit path,”[/b] Maria announced as soon as Lazlo breezed out of the galley. Gunther was the first to get out of his seat, followed by quickly by Seita. Next Ryen stood up, followed by Ellie, leaving Quincy in the rear as the group headed collectively over to the cargo hold. [b]”One moment,”[/b] Ryen said, stopping by a diagnostic screen located by the ship’s main elevator. [b]”I want to make sure all life support for those areas is up and running.”[/b] A quick check revealed that the cargo holds were fully powered although the ship’s shieling was still sitting as a dismal 32%. [b]”Right. We’re good to go.”[/b] Everyone piled in as the elevator door’s swung shut. The area inside was cramped and not helped in anyway by the stench of cigarettes wafting off the doctor. Thankfully the ride ended quickly as the group continued onwards towards the holds. [b]”Anyone else notice something off about this?”[/b] Quincy asked, his voice the only noise besides ever present hum of the engines and the sound of shoes against metal floors. [b]”The amount of credits for all… our technology?”[/b] This came from Ellie. [b]”That someone with the qualifications and certification like our captain is flying around space with a new ship and a five person crew?”[/b] Ryen added. [b]”I-I like the captain.”[/b] This was added in a quiet voice by Seita. [b]”That most of us are over qualified except for a young girl and the daughter of a top engineer who only barely had passing grades?”[/b] Gunter stated. Ryen looked over at the solider but it was clear from his expression that he playing with her, even if he did suspect something. [b]” That most of us worked under the Federation.”[/b] Quincy stated as the mechanic reached out and unlocked the hold’s door. Inside the ship’s full cargo hold, lights flickered to like revealing metal crates which were stacked nearly up to the ceiling. Gunther let out a low whistle. [b]”That’s a lot of gear.”[/b] Seita was the first to wander over and inspect the wording on the crates, curiosity getting the better of her. Despite the crates girth, weight, and advanced locking mechanism, the young girl opened it up with relative ease. Reaching in she fished around until she pulled out a long, emerald colored shirt. [b]”That’s mine!”[/b] Ryen said, snatching it from the girl’s outstretched hand. Seita shrunk back at the gesture as if the mechanic had frightened her. Ryen apologized but the girl still seemed leery. [b]”Ellie, will you pull up the ship’s manifesto? I’m sure I’m not the only one who went on a shopping spree.”[/b] According to the manifesto, Ryen had been correct. The crates under Gunther’s name listed all kinds of survival supplies and, what Ryen suspect to be weapons. In addition, surprisingly, there were a few old fashion, high-end board games. For the latter, Seita gave her shy enthusiasm to this news. Ellie’s and Ryen’s crates tended towards the clothing end. Even Seita, although she quietly confessed to not knowing how, had a few crates herself. Then there were Quincy’s. The contents of his three crates were rather vague although one was distinctly marked with a rather large biohazard sign. [b]”The Feeders are in crate 692… Alpha… Foxtrot… X-ray.”[/b] Ellie read off as she began directing the group to which crates needed to be open to access their new technology.