Adalaide immediately hung up when she saw Ronin, angling herself in front of Anya instinctively. "You have a lot of nerve to show up here, there are many at play and most a lot more powerful then you. If you have issue, state it so we can resolve it peaceful. You've already caused so much death tonight, there's no reason for your death to join the list." Adalaide said, looking into is eyes and putting as much persuasion as she could into her voice. She didn't think it would work though, so she didn't hold her breath for that solution. Her concentration was broke by the arrival of Hadrian anyways. Adalaide hadn't known he was in the states, let alone New York. Then he started talking and it only confused her. "Hadrian, you cannot recycle trash. You can incinerate trash, or you can leave it to rot but you cannot recycle it. Either way, there is a reason he blew up this bar, and I personally would like to know why since I'm assuming he was the one to invite us tonight, and not Anya." Adalaide said, feeling like something was on the tip of her tongue. She ran her tongue along the back of her teeth as she thought about it. "Take out the trash! That is the expression I am looking for, you can take out the trash. Although, Hadrian, have you been living on the streets?" Adalaide raised an eyebrow at him, completely turning her visual focus to the newest comer. She knew Hadrian wasn't her biggest fan and despite there being a psychopathic vampire apparently hellbent on their destruction right there, she couldn't resist annoying him slightly.