Anise heard Simon call out to her and catch up which put a smile on her face that no one would see. "Good." Her tone was somewhat bright and sunny like she was genuinely glad to have the company. The gurgling of the water told her that they were getting closer to the lake. While she could not see them, she could feel the presences of the spirits around them through the lantern. Most of them were weak, but she could sense one that was stronger and could only guess that it might be Tyaelaem. She let them all feel her warmth and let it be clear to them that she offered friendship and hope. [i]I wish to be your friend. I wish to help you. I wish for us to help each other. I offer you the comfort of Light in this Darkness.[/i] She sent her thoughts and feelings out to the spirits around them. She wanted them to know that she was here, and that there was hope. As they traveled she barely noticed that within the grasses grew rather plain flowers. Perhaps, had it not been for the Mask of the Hawk, she may not have noticed them at all. She dismissively stated. "Hmm... pretty." Her statement was more absentminded than anything. In fact the Castle Riverforde's garden was much more glorious than this by far, but in this dreary place there even the plainest flower seemed pretty. When the lantern dimmed she halted suddenly and looked at the lantern with a confused expression. Why had it dimmed? Her question was quickly answered by a passing shadow. She made no sound until the lantern lit up and then she looked at Simon. "What do you think that was?" She sounded more curious than fearful as she felt that with the help of Reus and Simon they could handle most dangers. She then saw the glint of metal as she faced forwards and decided to investigate. To her this was an odd metal statue, but it was an object worth looking over. She couldn't make heads or tails of it and looked towards the river and walked away to give Simon a chance to look at it. "What a weird statue. Simon, have you seen one before? Seems odd to make one out of metal." She then saw a shadow on the water, which put her on guard until she saw that it was a boat in the light. She saw a Kith with a frog mask and smiled. Anise liked the Kith, they had been nice to her. [quote=Frog Kith]"Where you goin'?"[/quote] Anise could tell he thought that they were lost just from the tone of his voice. Anise did a quick curtsy in greeting. "Hello, I'm Anise, friend of Tyaelaem." She lightly touched the rabbit mask hanging from her belt with a twinge of sadness from the loss of her friend. "The Pirates got him. My friend and I must get to the lake, perhaps you could help?" She kept up a friendly tone, hoping that the Frog Kith was as friendly as Tyaelaem was.