Mood music: [url][/url] Ruinil found herself in front of the demon that had brought forth that she and the other Templars had witnessed prior. Upon learning this, Ruinil was filled with a burning rage, but she then suddenly remembered the hell she had just seen. She turned to the others. "Run from here. As quickly as you all can. Run!" She yelled. She watched as she gave them all a chance to get to a safer distance. "Run you fools..." She murmured. Ruinil turned to the demon, her expression was solemn and had the look of murder in her eyes. The demon looked amused and almost intruiged as to what Ruinil was planning to do. She took a deep breath and murmured, "Leilia." ([i]"Release."[/i]) Mood: [url][/url] Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind rushed through the battle field. The earth shook and the ground cracked open as the seals released one by one and fell to the ground. The temperature of the air got significantly colder and a thin layer of frost and ice covered the ground. Surrounding plant life died. Finally, upon the release of the final seal, a pulse of dark energy shot through the area creating a crater with Ruinil as it's epicenter. Just as Bartuc had under went a transformation upon his rebirth, Ruinil went through a transformation of her own. The whites of her eyes, as well as the her blood veins and blood turned a jet black. Her hair turned into a silvery white. Her canines turned into sharp fangs and her nails into razor sharp claws. Ruinil was now truly of her origin, a demon in the flesh of an elf. "Come... Let the world get chiller... Let us start this battle you dirty killer!" Mood:[url][/url] Ruinil sprung into battle with incredible speed. She grabbed the head of one of the enemy's knights and smashed it into the ground, killing the knight instantly. A twisted smile etched itself on her face. Ruinil's body turned to smoke and disappeared, yet her voice lingered; she was laughing. "You filthy whoresons... Prepare to die!" She then appeared behind another knight and ripped his head clean off his shoulders with her bare hands. Ruinil quickly turned to the next knight and quite literally ripped out his throat. It didn't take long for the effects of her demonic power to start showing effects of recoil, as she coughed up a little blood. However, instead of her blood being its normal crimson color, it was a deep black. This did not stop Ruinil though, as she continued to slay only the enemy's forces and protect her allies. Thus, proving herself to be a useful in assisting the Order and her allies. Though at the moment, what her allies thought of her now was not of her concern. She was out for blood; the blood of those who had put her allies through pain and suffering. And thus, for Ruinil, the battle had truly started.