Anya inched away further at Ronin's response to her question, she'd heard of what he'd done in his past, she knew she stood no chance against him. Adalaide stood in front of her shortly after and Norman moved as if to attack him. " careful..this guy..if the stories are true..he's not someone to be toyed with. careful." She told them, fear evident in her voice. She didn't like it when she was afraid, she [i]hated[/i] it. But what more could she do other than get herself killed? She sighed, watching the scene un-fold. Ronin merely laughed darkly at Norman when he told him he had issues. "What are a few innocents when dealing with the beast terrorizing the village?" Ronin told him, grinning wickedly. Even more amusing to Ronin, Norman moved to challenge him. Ronins' grin only grew wider at that point. "5...4...3...2....1...0.." Ronin counted out-loud to himself, "Boom..." Unbeknownst to the people in front of him, the meeting room of the Silver Moon had just met the same fate as The Zone. At this point, Ronin was smiling psychotically. "Why? Why did I blow it up? To start a war of course my dear woman! What better way to cleanse the city of filth than to have it attack and weaken itself in the process?" He told her. "And you would be quite right, I did invite you all. See, I knew that little girl is usually at this bar this time of night seeing as her father, a rather influential member of the Blackbloods being the Underboss and all, owns it." He began pacing slowly, eyebrow raised at Norman, fully ready and expecting an attack from him at any moment. "What better way to start a war than by killing one of the families hitmen and the adopted daughter of the Underboss on top of blowing up his bar? Bonus points for killing the Enforcer and Informant, of course." He continued. "But of course, there's another secret to this plan I don't think I'm quite ready to tell you yet. But you'll find out soon, that is if you live through tonight." It was clear Ronin wouldn't attack first, no. His fighting style demanded the opponent attacked first, giving the upper hand to him. And what better way to..convince..them to do so than to enrage them? Meanwhile, Anya simply trembled in fear once it was made known she was the primary target, hiding behind Adalaide though still holding her defensive stance. [i]I should've just went home, took a shower, and went to sleep.[/i] she thought to herself, sighing internally.