Alice was still skating towards the center of the town, passing by the wrecked Ferirs and bearing down on the roadblock. She could see infantry shifting positions behind the armored vehicles, hastily shoving a rocket down its tube and then setting it up on the edge of an APC. Before they could get the warhead off, Alice dispensed smoke canisters in front of her, obscuring their vision. The smoke was also filled with tiny metallic particles, making it absurdly difficult for them to get a lock on her as she crossed the open ground. As the groundpounders struggled to get a bead on her, Alice simply veered to the left, skirting around the line of vehicles and greeting them with a hail of machine gun fire. The muzzle blast from her weapon flared through the smoke, making evident the grisly work she was doing on the men at the roadblock. The remaining light vehicles too, were put out of action by a few point-blank rounds from her autocannon. When her thermal sensors showed nothing moving any longer, Alice pressed on, waving a metal hand at the Hunters behind her. "Road's clear, let's move up!"