"Well, here we are at our local DMV.", Sleepy said as he adjusted his trenchcoat, "God, I hate dis getup. Makes me feel like I should be... I dunno, sellin' cheap watches down at the docks or somethin'. It just ain't [i]me[/i], ya know?" He held the door open for his partner. Sleepy, for the most part, was prohibited from interacting with government officials or the press. The former, because he was ugly, surly, and the NYPD didn't need any more audits than they already had. The latter, becuase Sleepy had a mouth almost as large as he was. He registered a sudden flash out the window, followed by a loud, low rumbling that rattled his teeth. Some kind of explosion. A meth lab? "'Ey, Eddie?", Sleepy tipped his head in the general direction from which the flash had come, "Dunno if ya caught dat, but we'd better leave dat ta, ehh...", he paused for a moment and scratched his temple, "...Anyone else?"