Eddie gave a sympathetic nod towards his partner as he mentioned the get-up. It was a shame that Sleepy had to wear that all the damn time on the job. Course that wasn't Eddie's main concern at the moment. The officers needed to retrieve the squad car from the local DMV. Eddie held out the keys, and simply nodded to Sleepy as he got the door. "Tha-" And that's when he noticed something. Nah, it wasn't that noise which the other officers were probably mobilizing to take a crack at. No, Eddie noticed something far more insidious. The officer got down on his knees as he took a good look at their tried and true car. "What the?!" The front bumper was completely removed. Some punk, some low down no good son of a bitch stole the bumper! Eddie quickly popped back up and glanced at Sleepy. "[b]Son of a BITCH! Our bumper![/b]" Eddie cursed out. He turned around and glanced at the streets, pondering where the hell the bumper could've gone. To his fortune he spotted an unmarked white van, where two dudes were struggling to load... Those punks had the bumper! Quickly Eddie turned to Sleepy, "I found our perps! We gotta hurry before they get the hell outta Dodge!" Ready to engage against those criminal miscreants, he hopped into the vehicle, started it up and pressed on the gas. The boys at the DMV [i]had[/i] to boot their car. Eddie turned towards Sleepy, and spoke urgently "Hey can ya get the thing off? I'll take the complaints from the boys at the DMV for this. But I ain't gonna let these punks get away with part of our car." On the other side of the street, the nefarious punks managed to load the bumper in the back. One quickly followed the bumper and shut the doors, while the other went around the side to the passenger's door and entered. And that's when the van started to speed off.