With all the rock infront of them, kyo saw it turn red and immediately knew something nasty was on the other side. Only energy weapons would leave such a trace. High energy like that would melt rock like such, giving them a split second to react. Time enough to shift all reactor output to the wings of no god. Just as the beam broke through, Kyo had gotten his shield up and activating by the time the blast hit. The entirety of the gunpla shaking as the plavasky particals around it thickened and lessened the impact still By the time the beam had died down, both the shield and the gun were sparking and the Faith had to throw them away. They exploded shortly afterwards and kyo began to let the plavasky particals build. The XS-Faith had been cooked rather well, scorched in some areas and the bits of armor that hadn't been blocked by the shield seemed to have suffered some melting. Thankfully the wings were designed to be both armor and had come out rather ok. Kyo's hands were shaking, they had survived that but probably wouldn't survive another without some kind of forewarning. Shaking it off, Kyo swapped out to the twin buster rifle and split it apart into two separate cannons. determined not to let a cheap shot like one straight through a station that they couldn't possibly be seen throu..... Right... Whatever the reason, a buster never goes unanswered, Kyo's thoughts trailed off, hoping the suit would cool down in the atmosphered insides of the hole. That meaning that the atomosphere was spilling into the void through the hole. Kyo now flew down that hole gaining speed quickly, looking forwards with their gunpla, a single buster half aimed forwards in preparation for whatever may lay on the other side. [@Prostagma]