[quote=@The One] [@Lord Santa] Really? How so and with who? [/quote] Alright, this'll take a little bit. In League, Violet's name is Vi (yeah, that's it) and she's one of the two enforcers in a steampunk city reinforcing its laws. She's got a pretty brash attitude, solving problems by punching them. At one point, she ripped her gauntlets off this big robotic mining rig to bail out a bunch of miners. Violet and Vi's personalities are sorta different, but bear similarities and the name is also a giveaway, as is the link with punching things. Annie's character in league is actually named Annie, which is really interesting considering the circumstances. She's basically a kid who's parents were pretty strong dark magic practitioners, and she inherited their powers from them. Her personality's sort of what you'd expect from kids with a lotta dark magic; that is to say, saying something adorable one moment and then burning you the next (she's got a big fire theme). Their personalities bear resemblances to each other, again, and it's exactly the same name. Sorta like, looking at her she's just a kid, but you feel like she has a darker side. Her in game nickname's literally "the dark child" so, you know. Lastly, Grunt in game is actually Volibear (the art you picked is the Thunder lord volibear skin). He was a sage for what used to be a really bad ass tribe of bear warriors but which had since become lax in times of peace. Basically, he knew that everyone was getting fat and stuff, so he went out to seek guidance. He went in this big storm thing and a bunch of stuff happened, and he got the power of lightning and started leading his tribe back to its old glory. Grunt reminds me of volibear because while they're both smart, they have the strength, speed and intelligence to make snap decisions for the betterment of the tribe. And also the traditions thing, and how volibear wants to make his tribe like they were before. Well, that was pretty long but yeh :P They're actually really similar in a lot of ways. If you really didn't know about them, then that makes it really interesting, and pretty funny that it just aligned like that.