Glodin smiled at Burtoc [color=39b54a]"Well we don't talk all that much, hard to get a good look at your character if we don't communicate."[/color] He watched as Burtoc left in a flash of light. He took a moment to look around him and take in the veiw at what may be his future. He sighed wishing that this dream was reality before following his savior from his dream to the next where he was meeted with a grim sight. Death,destruction, wastelands. That was all he saw before him before he heard the demon's voice in his head. Soon he was teleported to the demon and his minions, as he locked eyes with Krovah he no longer cared what the beast said. Glodin found his prey. [color=39b54a]"KROVAH! WE MEET AGAIN SNAGGLE TOOTH! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A FIGHT, HERE AND NOW, JUST YOU AND I!"[/color] he shouted as loud as his dwarven lungs would allow him as he drew his hammer and pick. A rune slowly carving itself into the pick from his sheer will power in the dreamscape. The rune translated to the common tongue said "Pierce". A deadly rune made to pierce even the toughest armor. A rune he had been working to perfect but could never do so in the waking world.