[@White Feather] Name: Jazmine (no family name) Age:Frozen at 17 Gender:Female Race: A human girl who has been turned into a vampire. Side: Jazmine is unaligned and self-serving she believes she has no reason to help either side, however if the undead and other dark forces were to vercome the world that could prove problematic for her, so she tends to side with the light, albeit only if she has motivation to do so. Weapons(s): A silver cane, known as Leonidas, ending in a lions head, which also serves as a sheath for a hidden sword made of blessed steel. The cane had been given to a high ranking knight named Artorius, after he retired from service, as a gift from a bishop in honour of his years of service and the amount of undead he had slain, however after an encounter with Jazmine in which he kicked her into the snow and called her scum, she had decided that the cane would look much better in her hands, she broke into his estate in the night and murdered him in his sleep with the very weapon she had come to steal, before making off with various fine garments and valuables, including her second weapon an enchanted golden pocket watch, this watch has the power to return to its owner from wherever it lands and is strung on an unbreakable chain which can increase or decrease in length as well as turn razor sharp upon its owners command. She also possesses the trademark vampire weapons of retractable claws and fangs. Abilities/Powers: She possesses greatly increased strength, stamina, agility and an enhanced healing factor as a result off her Vampirism. She also has a Insanity Form, where her mind is clouded by darkness and her personality changes but she gains control of nearby shadows, being able to turn them solid and direct them as she pleases, it is yet unclear why this happens, as she has no memories of the event. As a member of an undead race, Jazmine is relatively safe around other undead and the like unless she makes a direct move against them Talent(s): After years spent on the run and being hunted, jazmine has learned the skills of a master thief, she can blend in with the background, move silently and pick pockets or locks with ease. She can also tailor her own clothes and carry out repairs with a bare minimum of supplies, she does not often make garments for others though as she is not confident in her work. Personality: Her cold exterior and passive-aggressive mannerisms hide a lonely soul, crying out for a friend or comrade, it is not easy to gain her trust or have her open up to you but once she places faith in someone she would do anything for them. She is also very forgetful and tends to daydream and get distracted easily, also despite her natural balance and agility while shes concentrating, the majority of the time she is more than a little clumsy. Biography: She woke up lying on a riverbank some years ago (she doesnt bother keeping track of time), with no memory and injuries that should have been lethal, but as she passed in and out of concsiousness, she noticed how quickly her injuries were knitting themselves back together, without leaving so much as a scar. Once her wounds were fully healed and she had regained the strength to stand and walk she noticed a burning sensation that seemed not to be hunger, thirst or lust but a combination of the three. She wandered through the wilderness clutching the tattered remains of her clothes around herself until she ran into a woodsman out cutting lumber. He took her back to his cabin and fed her, bathed her and gave her clean clothes but this didnt satisfy her burning hunger. In the night she lost control and killed him, draining his blood. Early on in her vampire days, she had trouble killing humans and would cry herself to sleep more nights than not. But as time passed she came to view herself as seperate from the humans that feared and despised and found it easier and easier to justify killing them for food, profit or simply pleasure. She spent years honing her fighting skills whilst trying to avoid or kill any bounty hunters that came after her. Extras: Jazmine is short and slim, at 5"3' and weighing only 47kgs. She has waist length silver hair, sometimes held in an elegant bun, with one of a number of extravagant pins that she has stolen over the years. She has eyes that range from a deep blood red around the outside of the iris before shifting through hues to a bright crimson around the pupil. Her eyes turn purple with shadowy black swirls coursing through them when she enters her Insanity form. She generally dresses in fine dresses while around her house, but while she is out she can be seen in a tight fit, blue, black or red waistcoat with long coat-tails that reach her ankles, embroidered with elegant and detailed patterns in gold, white or black thread respectively, tight white linen pants, a tight fit tailored white blouse beneath the waistcoat, high black or brown leather boots and black or white kid leather gloves with more embroidery. She will always be wearing a necklace and some combination of rings and bracelets, although she wears only a sparse amount of jewellery at a time. She also has three piercings in the bottom of each ear and two at the top, as well as one in the left side of her nose. Added some more detail :)