Okay, we've reviewed your sheets. There was a lot of back and forth on several notes but in the end, we could only come to one consensus. What I am about to say will probably piss you both off, but it's the only logical solution that we could come to terms with. No one can play an Uchiha. There are two major reasons for this, one is the fact that it breaks lore and the other is purely mechanical. Let's start with the first. Itachi was tasked to kill every Uchiha, which he did. Sparing Sasuke was a -huge- deal, and the fact that he was the last Uchiha was a major plot point. I realise that this is an alternate universe RP -to an extent-, however surviving the Uchiha massacre is no small feat. Also, this might just be me but I am honestly a bit tired of the typical Anime backgrounds of "My family got killed, now I'm an avenger." It's highly overused and rather redundant by this point. Death in the family is fine, but the whole massacre thing is a bit old now. With that said, Itachi slaughtered the Uchiha with help from Obito, the dude who nearly destroyed the world with Madara. I don't think hiding under your bed would help you escape that. Sasuke survived because he was allowed to survive. No one else survived. When it comes to the Sharingan, the thing is vastly overpowered. I think Kishimoto just went waaaay overboard with what that eye could do. It essentially removes every other character's individuality with its "Copy Ninja" techniques. We have more than enough Taijutsu characters in this RP and with the Sharingan, you can essentially become all of them. Not to the mention the Sharingan's later level abilities. Amaterasu is actually -stronger- than it is portrayed in the anime since it sets ANYTHING YOU LOOK AT ablaze. Bottom line. The sharingan is OP and Uchiha characters are dead. Also, just a pet peeve of mine...writing in your character sheets that your character is "Better than others" at something, isn't very good. Describe them as excellent if you so wish, I know I like to showcase what my characters are good at but it's very easy to step on other people's toes when you feel the need to write down that your character is better than his/her teachers and fellow Genin, I'm just saying. Conclusion: We cannot accept Uchiha characters. You're welcome to make other ones to be reviewed if you desire.