Version 2. [hider=Revenmar Veyas (NPC)] [img][/img] [b]Name(s):[/b] [list] [*]Revenmar Veyas [*]Paladin Knight Veyas[/list] [b]Gender:[/b] [list] [*]Male[/list] [b]Height:[/b] [list] [*]222cms[/list] [b]Weight:[/b] [list] [*]181lbs out of armor and 230lbs in armor[/list] [b]Race:[/b] [color=yellow]Human[/color] [b]Title:[/b] [list] [*]The Knight of the Equitable Truth [*]The Paladin of Naivety[/list] [b]Residence:[/b] [list] [*]Ragnavault, Lord Dagartopoli's old room.[/list] [b]Alignment:[/b] [list] [*]Lawful Neutral[/list] [b]Sense of Justice:[/b] [list] [*]200[/list] [b]Job level: (85) [/b] [list] [*] Paladin (15) [*] Guardian (10) [*] Shield Lord (5) [*] Armored Mage (10) [*] Knight (15) [*] Other (30) [/list] [b]Stats: 630[/b] [list] [*]HP: 95 [*]MP: 40 [*]PHY. ATK: 95 [*]PHY. DEF: 90 [*]AGILITY: 50 [*]MAG. ATK: 40 [*]MAG. DEF: 40 [*]RESIST: 90 [*]SPECIAL: 85[/list] [b]Spells:[/b] [list] [*]Gate [*]Message [*]Lesser Magic Shield [*]Disguise Weapon [*]Fireball - 3rd tier [*]Reinforce Armor [*]Shield Wall - Can cast a spectral shield to protect an ally [*]Parry [*]Smite Undead - Works on undead level 1-50 [*]Parry Missile [*]Counter Arrow [*]Lightning - 3rd tier [*]Strengthen Weapon [*]Iron Hide - Let's Revenmer be able to avoid one physical attack. [*]Battle Buff - Veyas can use this spell to temporary boost his combat abilities. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*][i]Knight Fall[/i] - An ability that Revenmer can use twice per day. It allows him to debuff anything in a twenty foot radius. Can be stopped if he is attacked. [*][i]Imperium[/i] - A thrice per day spell. Allows the user to bypass armor, scoring a critical hit. [*][i]Lord of Shield[/i] - A once per day skill. It allows him to summon a shield that magic cannot break through. Lasts for two minutes and physical attacks do not apply. [*][i]Paladin duplicate[/i] - This spell can be used five times a day, with the exception that that five times can be used all at once. It summons duplicates of himself that will attack foes but due half damage and can die easily. [*][i]Justice Incarnate[/i] - Once per week spell. Targets an individual and gives them the opposite alignment. For example, if casted upon a chaotic evil, it will change them to Lawful good and vice versa. Does not work on neutral based creatures. This spell lasts for about two hours and cannot be broken. [*][i]Send them back to the Abyss[/i] - Once per week Spell. Casting time takes an five minutes. It allows the caster to target a creature and then destroy them with impunity. If at all interrupted, spell is canceled until the following month. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*][i]Dominion Aspect[/i](Legendary) - A Sword equipped to him by the creator. Revenmar's most notable possession, as it was elegantly crafted and imbued with great magic. It is a holy weapon that deals massive damage to the undead, while still holding its own in a battle against the living. It is quite the beautiful sword but one of its permanent is disguise weapon, so it always looks like a plain old sword but still holds its power. [*][i]Black Knight Armor[/i](Relic) - This armor gives him attack and agility boost whole being worn. Also gives off a minor intimidation aura. Perhaps another intention by his creator but if one saw him, then they would probably think the opposite of a paladin knight. [*][i]Ring of Saints[/i](Relic) - This ring is just a simple gold band on his right index finger. After his sword, this is probably another treasured gift that he uses quite well. It allows him to minor heal those that have been wounded by undead and other creatures of undeath. [*][i]Shield of Divinity[/i](Legendary) - This shield was a trophy given to Veyas to suite his abilities. It is a impenetrable wall of palatinum with the insignia of a gryphon on it's front. It boosts the defensive abilities of the wielder, allowing them to take massive hits. It took has been disguised too look like nothing more then a common black knight shield. [*][i]Cape of Silence[/i](Legacy) - This white cape allows the wearer to walk silently, as if they were not wearing armor or other burdening materials.[/list] [b]Bio:[/b] [list] [*]Revenmar Veyas was created by the supreme being, Lord Dagartopoli in the attempt at making him the opposite of himself. Dagartopoli was actually a black guard human who had no love for paladins but thought it would be funny to experiment. Dagartopoli was one of the guilds protectors, as in he usually just made sure nothing was amiss and when they were invaded he would fight to the very end in protecting his home. He labored for almost a five months to get the necessary materials to create him, knowing that he could have done it in half the time with his guild's help. He wanted to feel a sense of accomplishment on his own and that was his reasoning behind it. When it was finally done, he was extremely satisfied with Revenmar but chose to disguise all of his equipment to make him look evil. This was a parallel to Dagartopoli, who actually disguised all of his armor and weapons to look like that of a paladin. He might have been very twisted. Outside of YGGDRASIL, Lord Dagartopoli was actually just Logan Gale. His family had moved from North America to Japan when he was young and because of that he was able to learn Japanese easily. He never told anyone why his parents had decided to move there but he knew that it was because of financial trouble back home, and they had thought it a good idea to deal with megacorporations. Needless to say, he didn't see his father very much anymore due to all the work he had to do. Even so, about a year before the servers would shut down, he gotten a job and had little time anymore for games. On his last day upon the server, he told his guildmates to take care of each other and all that they had accomplished. He hasn't been seen since and the others don't even know if he is alive or not. Revenmar was then just left in his old room, occasionally visited by the other creators, too look at his settings and what not but he was never really tampered with. Those that did look at his details would find that there was a ton of information there, straight down to his favorite food. The one interesting thing to note was that Lord Dagartopoli had written that Revenmar, "Will always follow orders from those he deems superior, even if it conflicts with his moral compass." They had guessed that Dagartopoli had never gotten over his hate for paladins and it was his last testament to his creation. Revenmar Veyas would occasionally come out of the room if the guild was under attack and fight to protect the home he knew. Back then he was just another NPC, lifeless and cold but now that YGGDRASSIL has been "shut off", he is full of life and thought. The real question is, how will he handle this new world and especially, those that aren't alive. [/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*]He misses his creator but doesn't know that he was evil.[/list] [/hider]