[hider=Galant Whisperwind][center]Name: Galant Whisperwind Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/36/16/ca/3616cad78aeb40052be815f3238b99fb.jpg[/img] Galant is a tall young man, standing at about six feet tall. He has a slender build and long graceful limbs. Along with pointed features it gives him a handsome appearance. He has shaggy, over long, blonde locks and large sapphire blue eyes. His left ear is pieced and he wears an elaborate, none metal earring, in it. Growing on in the snow, Galant has a bit more defense against the cold than most. He wears a black shirt and pants with elaborate blue designs on them, they're made of light but warm and insulated material. He also wears a pair of thick, sturdy, white boots, that have the same elaborate blue design, and matching gloves. To top it all off is a large, white, hooded cloak with a strange design. All in all, he has a strange appearance befitting his occupation. Weapons/Belongings: Galant's only weapon is a simple staff. It's the same height as him and made from a light, study, metal. He usually relies more on magic than anything else. Along with his one weapon he has a pack with the usual supplies. A bedroll and an extra blanket, a couple weeks supply of food, a canteen, and a few odd personal objects that people think are used for magic. Of course he always has a book or two on him as well. Magic: Elementalist, Galant's magic is a rare path to take, even for the few mages left. It is the study and control of the elements. All Elemental magic stems from the four cardinal ones, Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth, which Galant has mastered. He also has control over Ice, Lightning, and Light. Though there are many other elements that one could learn and master. The best thing about Elemental magic, is that there's always more to learn and study, which Galant does constantly. Galant's magic comes from a center in his body called his Magic Core. The Magic Core is a replenishable source of magic that Galant must call upon when he casts spells. Each spell takes some of that magic, and once used up, he must wait for it to replenish before casting spells again. The best way to get his magic back is to sleep. Personality: Galant is a very clever young man, he can talk his way in, or out, of any situation. He's friendly and a good friend, as well as a good listener. He almost always has a smile on his face, though most of the time it's faked. He's loyal, protective, and caring, willing to take some hits in order to protect his companions. He's calm and able to keep a clear head in most situations. Though he absolutely hates small or closed in spaces and will freak out if he has to go into one. His brain literally stops working in them. Galant is witty and intelligent. He seems to have wisdom beyond his short years. He loves to learn and almost always is. He makes it his goal to learn something new everyday. Even if it's something as simple as somebody's name. Short History: Galant was born and raised in a small town at the very edge of Gris. He grew up in the cold and thus is able to withstand it better than most people. He discovered his talent for magic by accident one day as child, during a snowball fight when he stopped one in midair. Since then he's never looked back. In secret he's trained himself in the ways of magic, reading every book he possibly could on the subject and through those teaching himself the four cardinal elements and beyond. Though his favorite always has been Ice. When Galant heard about Tikkis' work, he instantly knew he had to go to Vulture's Nest to meet with the group of adventurers. He wanted desperately to know more about magic and to study it even further. He desired to pick apart the Professor's brain and learn everything he could. And maybe even one day know enough to teach other people about the wonderful thing call magic. [/center][/hider]