"Alright. The usual game?" Peiter answered as he began shuffling the cards. He dealt them out between the three as he thought about how the game should go. They normally did not play to drink, so they had to figure out how to work it into the rules. "Okay, so how about we have the winner of each hand decide who drinks. If you fold, you can't be picked, but...if you fold twice in a row, you can be picked on the next one no matter what, unless you win. Just to keep anyone from not playing." He said, giving a quick glance to Tzirret. Luck could force anyone to drink, of course, but Peiter kept his eye on Tzirret, who was not quite as adept in the art of bluffing as the rest of them. If this turned out to be enjoyable enough, he might even buy another bottle. Newt shook his head quickly, then returned back to looking around the tavern. He was used to such crowded spaces with the clan, so he was more curious than afraid. In fact, he was less afraid than Kaleeth wished he was. If she let him go, she had no doubt that he would try to explore the area, and in this place, that could certainly be dangerous. Slavery might be illegal in both the Empire and Dominion, but that did not mean it did not exist, and a young child was the perfect target to abduct. Ahnasha, being more experienced in cities, was not quite as worried about kidnapping, as she knew it to be a rare occurrence. However, she was still well-aware of the trouble Rhazii could get into when left to his own devices. Trying to shake off her worries, Kaleeth joined in the conversation. "I know Newt has been dying to go for a swim for the last few days. Being on a ship, we were surrounded by water all the time, but could not get in. I don't think Newt liked that at all." Newt tilted his head back to look up at his mother. "Are we going swimming, mommy?" Kaleeth looked down and rubbed the top of his head. "Not right now, hatchling. It is too dangerous here. We can swim after we are out of the city." Ahnasha was visibly satisfied with her ale. Anything to help her relax was certainly welcome. She had doubts about the fate of the Senchal clan, and if they would even be able to find anyone alive to actually help. They had arrived as quickly as they could, but the clan had been out of contact for so long that it might not even have mattered. It was a worry she was sure the others shared, but that no one had spoken aloud. Nevertheless, she tried to keep her mind off of it for the moment. "You know, I thought I would be comfortable here, but I feel more like an outsider here than I did in Black Marsh. At least there, no one expected me to be anything but an outsider. Here...all I have to do is open my mouth for that to become glaringly obvious. I speak Ta'agra with a Cyrodilic accent, for the Hunter's sake. I don't think my mother's stories are going to be enough to let me blend in here."