[hr][center][h2][color=lightpink]Scarlet[/color][hr][/h2][/center] It was chilly, but the adrenaline surge going through her kept her as warm as her leather ensemble. The bank was far, but not too far as she made good time getting there. The police were already there when she arrived. They cordoned off the scene and she could see the damage done from the bomb. She noticed a reporter from a news station. It took them no time to come for an exclusive. She jumped down a nearby alleyway and listened in. [i]...And we're live at the scene, Bill, where a baffling crime has happened at the 12th Bank of Vale City. As you can see behind me, the large window, characteristic of each branch of the Bank of Vale, has been completely shattered, by a mysterious vandal. The only damage to the bank was to the window, the vault and safe deposit boxes remaining untouched. It's still unclear who the main suspect is, this early in the investigation, but authorities are suspecting that this is the work of one of the various gangs in the Financial District, who aborted a robbery, after the quick response of security on-site. This has been a Vale City First Alert, from VNN, your Vale City News Network. [/i] [color=lightpink]"What kind of robber only blows up a window?"[/color] she thought to herself. At that instant an officer passed by the alleyway. The officer stopped and double-backed towards the alley entrance and saw an empty hallway. He continued on his way. She became visible again. Too close, a masked, leather-wearing woman would certainly be questioned after a supposed break-in. Then it hit her. [color=lightpink]"It wasn't a robbery. There is no signs of it except a blown up bank. No whoever did this either wanted to make it look like a robbery from the outside....or did it to send a message."[/color] She moved away and climbed up to the roof again and pulled out her cell and called Vi. [color=lightpink]"It's me. I don't think this is a robbery. It looks like it, but only the outside of the bank is blown up."[/color] [color=purple]"Interesting. This still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Still interested in finding out who did it?"[/color] [color=lightpink]"I never stopped being interested. I was going to hit this bank in a week or so. Now they will up the security and make it a hell of a lot harder. Well...I say hard, but it would just be a few more days of preparation. I don't have time for that. So yeah, I'm taking this bastard down. I'm going to have to contact someone who may know. A crime boss."[/color] [color=purple]"Be careful. The gangs around here are not ones to mess with.[/color] [color=lightpink]"Noted."[/color] With that, Scarlet set off towards gang territory. She knew just who to ask.