I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this, but I feel after guildfall I've just lost a lot of motivation/interest. It's not because of the new people coming in, or the old people leaving, it's just.... me. RP feels very tiring for me at this point. No, I am not writing a page of the finest literary work known to man in my posts, but I've been finding it difficult to write more than 1-2 paragraphs. But I feel I've grown more self conscious of my writing, fearing what others might think. Back then, when my writing was utter bullshit I hardly cared what people thought, but it seems with improvement I've grown this fear of judgement. I've been lurking more than rping nowadays, which depresses me slightly. I've been trying to find an reason for this, such as my preference for the free section pre guildfall, to guildfall itself, which I've come to realize is a faulty assumption to make. I suppose I have RP "Fatigue", and I wanted to ask people if taking a break would really make it better or if trying to continue rping is the better option to make. Don't get me wrong, I will always love RPG. Imo no other site compares, but my motivation/interest has waned. Any advice on how to get past this slump?