[centre] [hider=Appearances] [color=BFEFFF][b]Human[/b][/color] [img]http://imagine.pics/images/475/thumb-4759.jpg[/img] [color=BFEFFF][b]Wolf[/b][/color] [img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-P_ez0j4QbgM/UWbkFXqNZtI/AAAAAAAAAEM/cnvPQ9mAohM/w800-h800/1345641301_83172.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=B2DFEE][b]First Name[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]Aello[/color] [color=B2DFEE][b]Last Name[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]Otsana[/color] [color=B2DFEE][b]Nicknames[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]Cello, Sana, She-Beast[/color] [color=B2DFEE][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]18 or 19, roughly[/color] [color=B2DFEE][b]Gender[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]Female[/color] [color=B2DFEE][b]Race[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]Werewolf[/color] [color=B2DFEE][b]Powers[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]Basic abilities of any normal werewolf, being able to control herself well whenever she shifts. Inhuman strength and agility in her wolf form, favouring to be like a very large and living battering ram at times. She has some manner of skill wielding weapons, specifically knifes, more specifically her machete.[/color] [color=B2DFEE][b]Backstory[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]"....I get the feeling telling someone like you of my tale would be worthless." (TBR) [/color] [color=B2DFEE][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]She comes across as very independent and as a loner, of such. She tends to be very watchful of something, if it catches her curiosity. She holds an odd sense of humour, one that is mostly used to belittle others. She has her vulnerable moments, which she takes a carefully crafted mask to hide from outsiders. Once comfortable with someone, she isn't a completely changed person, but she makes a note to acknowledge them is needed. When shifting, she tends to be slightly more aggressive in general, as her senses are heightened which in turn makes her more on-edge.[/color] [color=B2DFEE][b]Outfit[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]Her simple outfit is the one found in her photo. Her shoes are high combat boots, almost pitch black.[/color] [color=B2DFEE][b]Theme Song[/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRv_YAnoc14]Blue Lips - Regina Spektor[/url] [color=B2DFEE][b]Other:[/b][/color] [color=BFEFFF]Has a like for sweet, green tea and rain. [/color] [/centre]