[@The_written_John] This satisfies me, but it will never be enough =P I said some things last time and then only presented one, so here are those other things. They are not necessarily reason to change anything about your character especially as I stress often, I hold no power here. When it came to Lethonel the word I had to describe how Sariel felt about him was proud, but in the case of Alistair I think the proper word is concerned. Sariel is concerned that Alistair is to focused on war, concerned about his seemingly quick shift from a angry hotblooded teenager to an old beyond his years cynic, concerned that he does not have the appreciation for the lives of the common folk that he needs to lead the Kingdom. We will also have to come up with a reason why the first born son is not the heir to the thrown, but I am willing to put off burning that bridge whenever someone makes an eldest prince. Or whenever this get's started. speaking of which... [@White Feather] When is this starting? Anyway, again its not reason to alter your character, just an observation and a future issue.