Sabine and Tzirret could not say with confidence how the game would go with the new rules, so they both agreed tentatively. The cards were dealt out with effort made to keep them off the stickier patches of the table. The first game went to Sabine by elimination, who prompted Peiter to drink. The next game went to Tzirret for getting a lucky hand and he had Sabine drink, commenting that he was being fair. The next four rounds in a row had Tzirret take drinks in a series of losses and a double-fold. He didn't seem to like the drink any better, but his bluffing skill was getting worse and worse. Tzirret let out a huff after he managed to get the third swig of brandy down his throat. "Why must you make this one have most of your drink?" he muttered. With a pointed finger at Peiter, his eyes narrowed to a challenging squint and his voice gained some unexpected courage, "I will have all of this in your stomach by the next ten rounds!" "There is not ten rounds left in the bottle," Sabine said, grinning at Tzirret. Tzirret was not a big drinker in the first place, and Sabine noticed some tipsiness in his mannerisms already. He was becoming inebriated faster than Sabine believed she herself would. Sabine took the cards and shuffled them for the next round. As she began to deal, Sabine commented to both of them, "This is fun. We should do this more when we are not on a mission." Back on the other table, Janius took a quick glance around the tavern with similar curiosity to Newt. "It's certainly very different," he said. There was a quiet moment before anyone thought of something to say. The growing worry of the fate of the Senchal clan was getting to everyone. The next to speak was actually Uthri, breaking her own silence that had lasted much longer. "Hey Ahnasha. I must admit I know very little about this place and Elsweyr in general. What kind of things did your mother tell you about this city?" Shortly after the question was asked, Gallus decided to take a slow walk around the area of the tavern. Obviously sitting about was not to his liking and he had decided to take matters into his own hands. He looked about the tables, searching for a stronger trace of any lycans. He didn't engage directly with anyone, but he was trying to find anyone in particular who was a lycan and catch their eye. He didn't take any further sips of his drink as he walked, preferring to keep the dull pull of the moon sugar at his consciousness to a minimum.