I'll be fine-tuning my character sheet the next day or so. I'll be elaborating on my nation's religion and explaining the political lexicon that's thrown around in my nation. I think I could do better with my country relations, but I'm too isolated to have too many friends or enemies, and my nation's views are too moderate (Compared to the rest of the world) in comparison to the nations like Moravia, Ceresia, and the PRK, which are more driven by ideology. [hider=country relations] The Greater Republic of Avalia Democratic: + Atheists: - Net Opinion: Neutral (0) Zenovia doesn’t have much of an opinion of Avalia. When speaking of Avalia in Zenovia, it is generally said that they are atheists and they are relatively democratic. However, being on the completely other side of the continent, they have formed almost no ties other than ambassadorships. Sacred Empire of Ceresia Monarchy: ++ Tourist Trap: + Denigration of Humans: --- Empress Worship: -- Hostile Church: - Net Opinion: Wary (-3) Zenovia is not eager to deal with Ceresia. With their veneration of the Empress as a living diety and the denigration of humans in a low caste, Zenovia disapproves of many of Ceresia’s domestic actions, although Zenovia is not too hostile. Many Zenovii flock to the beautiful city of Empyreanopolis. Brusaleye Socialist State: ----- Cult of Personality: -- Net Opinion: Hostile (-7) Bruzaleye has a strong dislike for Brusaleye. They are a socialist states, where their leaders have an intense cult of personality, which Zenovia takes a dislike to. Empire of Fuso Monarchy: ++ Historical Relations: + Tourist Trap: + Net Opinion: Positive (+3) Zenovia views Fuso positively. They see them as a fellow monarchy. They chose them over Izuno, mostly because they believed Fuso was the stronger of the two. For some reason, Fuso is a prime vacation spot for Zenovii tourists. Izuno Shogunate Monarchy: ++ Ties with Moravia: ---- Historical Relations: -- Net Opinion: Negative (-4) Zenovia views Izuno through the lenses of their foreign policy. Specifically, Zenovia dislikes Izuno for their strong ties to Moravia. People’s Republic of Kataylabinsk Enemy of Moravia: +++ Socialist State: ----- Republican Usurpers: -- No Establish Relations: - Net Opinion: Unlikely Potential Ally (-4) Zenovia highly disapproves of the revolutionary socialist PRK. Thus, since the revolution there, relations have turned sour. Zenovia regards Velikaya as a class traitor and butcher of aristocrats. However, Zenovia is glad that the PRK is so hostile towards Moravia. Should war break out between Zenovia and Moravia, Zenovia would naturally welcome any help from the PRK. However, negatives remain strictly negative. The Commonwealth of Moravia Cultural Appreciation: ++ Anti-Socialist: ++ Belligerent Neighbors: ------ Shocking Propaganda: --- Radicals: -- Hostile History: -- Republican Usurpers: -- Hostile Church: - Net Opinion: Dreaded Enemy (-12) Zenovia has no desire to renew their war with Moravia (then Qualia), and only wished they shared the same sentiment. The culture of the ancient Moravian Empire is still widely admired by the ruling class, despite the extreme tension. It also is, or rather it would be under different circumstances, appreciated that Moravia is anti-socialist. However, relations remain overwhelmingly negative. The anti-Zenovii propaganda is extreme enough to further put a damper on relations. Zenovia sees Moravia as politically dangerous radicals, exemplified by their overthrow of the King of Qualia. It is seen as unfortunate that the Miaphytist Church is so hostile to the Church of Aeon, considering the Church of Aeon’s doctrine of religious pluralism for monotheists. Kingdom of Setra Strong Trading Partner: +++ Cultural Ties: ++ Monarchy: ++ Net Opinion: Very Positive (+7) Zenovia looks to Setra as their sole dependable ally. As a fellow monarchy, Zenovia has special ties with Setra. They both depend on each other for trade, Zenovia dealing with raw materials and Setra dealing with manufacturing. Setran culture is seen as a part of Zenovia, due to the large influx of Trolls. The Tsardom of Ventium Monarchy: ++ Net Opinion: Leaning Positive (+2) Zenovia has very little to say about Ventium. Like all monarchies, Zenovia feels a certain connection towards Ventium. Kingdom of Verendes Anti-Socialist: ++ Monarchy: ++ Similar Government Type: ++ Ally of Morava: ---- Net Opinion: Unfortunately Distant (+2) Zenovia has a fairly positive opinion towards Verendes. They are remarkably similiar, but Verendes' alliance with Moravia puts a damper on relations. Great Confederation of the Imperial and Republican Realms of Vinculi Anti-Socialist: ++ Government Type: ++ Xenophobia: -- Extremist: - Net Opinion: Neutral (+1) Despite some reservations on some of their policies, such as their xenophobia and social Darwinism too extreme even for Zenovii aristocrats, Zenovia views positively their nations’ governments and their anti-socialism, which balances it out. On the whole, Zenovia feels neutral about Vinculu, seeing both disadvantages and advantages to their nation. They are not expecting an alliance from them. Heavenly Empire of Yllendthyr Possible Ally: +++ Monarchy: ++ Willing Traders: + Net Opinion: Possible Ally (+5) With their status as a fellow monarchy, traditionalists, and a global power, Yllendthyr is seen as a prime choice as an ally. An alliance with Yllendthyr would be vastly preferred over one with the PRK. [/hider]