A few of the Khajiit exchanged glances for a moment before one of them, a dark-furred Suthay-raht male, nodded, and motioned for the Argonian to follow him. "Yes...perhaps you can tell us who you actually are." Lorag, who was sitting beside Meesei, stood up to allow the Khajiit to take his seat, while Meesei stood to greet them. The Suthay-raht and Argonian approached alongside one another, while the others followed close behind. Seeing as Meesei was the one stepping forward, the Khajiit assumed she was the leader. "This one's name is Ra'maranja, the...leader of this group." He said, glancing around at the others in the tavern as he shook Meesei's hand. The dark red-scaled Argonian's greeting immediately afterwards, however, was much less...professional. "And I am Sees-No-Colors. It is certainly a pleasure to meet you, my lady." He said, giving a bow and kissing the top of Meesei's hand, to which she was mostly just annoyed, rather than outwardly angry. As Colors pulled his head back, he saw the ring on the hand he had just kissed, and his eyes widened. "Wait is that...and you are...ah, um, ohhh..." "Who is she, Colors?" Ra'maranja asked impatiently, appearing rather cross towards him. "She is..." He began with a gulp, then leaning in to speak at a whisper. "the Champion." Ra'maranja showed a brief moment of surprise, but quickly regained his composure. "Well, this meeting is an honor, then, miss..." "Meesei." She answered as she returned to her seat. She would have thought that the members of any major clan would know her name, though she supposed they might just know her as the Champion. After the rather awkward exchange, Ahnasha ran her hand down her face to hide her laughter. Leaning in towards Fendros, she whispered to him. "You know, I think I know what happened to Janius all those years ago. He grew a tail." Ra'maranja took Lorag's former seat, while the Bosmer from their group pulled up a chair for Colors. "So, to what do we owe the honor of this visit?" Ra'maranja asked.