"Where do you think you're going WHORE?" Karl stands behind the daemon head tilted and an insane grin upon his face. Bringing his blades down across the daemons fake body Karl begins an unrelenting assault against it. With each strike of his blades Karl starts speaking punctuating each word with a strike from his blade."You. Tried. To. Break. Me. You. Tried. To. Kill. Me. You. Tried. And. FAILED!" Strike after strike, Karl drives the daemon is back towards the others who seemed to have killed all of the illusions, bringing the creature to it's knees Karl places his blades upon it's neck,"Before I kill you, do you have any last words or tricks. Because you'll have to use them to get away from me, but even if you do run I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TRIED AND BREAK ME, MY WILL IS STRONGER THEN ANYTHING YOU OR YOUR FOOL GOD CAN DO! MY CONVICTION IN THE OREDER AND MY FRIENDS AND ALLIES WILL KEEP ME FIGHTING UNTIL I FIND MYSELF BROKEN AND BLOODIED UPON A COLD STONE DUNGEON FLOOR, AND EVEN THEN I WILL STILL FIGHT UNTIL I AM DEAD." Then karl begins to chuckle softly,"But I have to give you credit, you did do some damage to my mind, and you almost broke me. But I have to thank you, now I have all the more reason to kill The Dead God!" With that Karl takes both his sword and plunges his blades into the daemons chest making it scream in pain,"So now I'm going to kill you slowly and enjoy your pain like you so enjoyed mine."