Hector peered around the room, giving each of the members a brief glance. There was Leonard Polidori, the head of operations in Long Island. There was Juan "Eagle-Eyes" Iniguez, who managed the foremost smuggling line. There was Mario, who owed Bastian quite a bit-- why he was here [i]now[/i] was a mystery. The room was rather sparse right now, but the atmosphere didn't seem as tense as it should have. [color=lightgreen]"If that's everything, I'd say we should get going before it gets too rough out there."[/color] Hector turned to Alissa, and gave her an appraising look. [color=lightgreen]"I'm gonna need you to come with me, we've got--"[/color] The telltale sound of high explosives doing what they do sounded out around the building and across the bustling district surrounding it. Rubble and dust flew up into the air like confetti in an updraft. The fire alarm howled a high-pitched klaxon, and the few dozen employees still working rushed for the exits. Hector reacted quickly and professionally. Ensuring that the room was safe from falling debris, he charged into the hallway to lead the push to safety. Evidently, he expected the others to follow him. Several stories below, on the streets outside, the reaction was nigh-on instantaneous. Just as dozens of eyes were turned to the explosion of a local nightclub and the incredibly-conspicuous robed man who had very vocally revealed himself to have caused it, [i]hundreds[/i] of eyes turned to the explosion of a large office building. The first thought on everyone's mind was [b][i]terrorism[/i][/b]. The second thought was a mix between patriotic fervor and frantic attempts to remember what had occurred just before. Police cruisers, each fully prepared to deal with armed hostiles, were converging on both the Silver Moons' meeting place and The Zone. At the moment, however, Hector and his colleagues had much more relevant issues. Hector would wait patiently for each of his colleagues to exit the building before making his way out, as was expected of someone of his stature. He hoped they would leave [i]soon[/i].