[hr][h1]NPC Index[/h1][hr] [h3]Blackwood [[color=aba000]Townsfolk[/color]][/h3] [b]Elijah Thrapp[/b] (42- ) [list]Blah Blah Blah![/list] [b]Tychus Holstrum[/b] (88- ) [list]A large, burly man who owns the Burned Gulch saloon. Loud, strong and friendly, he doesn't any guff from lowlives, drunks or cheaters (unless he's the one stealing, drinking or cheating).[/list] [b]Aimee Schultz[/b] (101- ) [list]Eldest daughter of Wyatt Schultz, and a young troublemaker.[/list] [b]Wyatt Schultz[/b] (77- ) [list]The grandson of the founder of the Schultz Timber Company, and a cynical man of forty-two. As the current patriarch of the Schultz family, Wyatt has a great deal of responsibilities and thinks highly of himself. [/list]