Name: Ira Cunningham Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: Ira, like most Cunninghams, has a full head of black hair, the falls onto his shoulders in long, and well taken-care of, locks. Bearing an almost baby-like face, and devoid of facial hair, Ira looks much younger than what he appears, and in contrast with his brother, actually almost fights back against the template of identical twins. Standing roughly 180cm, and weighing 80kgs, and holds his fair share of muscle, however it is evident that Ira prefers to allow his brother to do the real heavy lifting. Underneath the frame of his black hair, two green eyes flick and fade as they constantly scan the area Ira sits himself in, almost like ghosts in fluttering around a bustle of activity when engaged into conversation. Clothing: Ira has packed accordingly for his trip, wearing a heavy set fur cloak, clad in a dark black, along with several under layers. First, underneath the cloak, Ira wears a black leather cowl neck jacket, fit snugly to his person. For his pants, Ira wears heavy carpenter pants, matched with a solid steel-toed black boots. Underneath both the pants and jacket, Ira is fitted with a thermal one piece, to increase how warm he can keep himself. To keep his hands warm, Ira wears leather gauntlets tied tightly to his wrists, and often packed with animal fur that he has brought along, for emergency warming. Weapons/Belongings: Ira packs only two weapons on his person, both of which can be used for multiple situations. Carried on his side, in it's on sling, is a military-style bowie knife, measuring roughly 17 inches in length. In it's on sheath, slung across his shoulder and holding tight to his right rib cage, is a small tomahawk, complete with a red oak handle and fine steel blade, giving off the impression that it'd be more ceremonial or ornamentation than an actual weapon. Magic: None. Personality: Ira is a very friendly individual, going out of his way to befriend people and learn about them. Willing to spend time with strangers in order to become friends, Ira has met a host of people in life, giving him a keen knowledge of most subjects which he tends to use to relate to those he newly meets. Extremely charismatic, and good at diplomatic efforts, Ira often tries to resolve most situations in a way he seems fit, and tends to have an air of leadership around him when with a group. However, underneath this friendly exterior, lays a very cold and methodical individual that rarely shows it's face, preferring to keep itself distanced from any showing. It is unknown if Ira's exterior is a way to catch those he intends to hurt off guard, or to manipulate those around him, or if it is actually sincere. Short History: Ira was born into the massive Cunningham family, along with his twin brother, a well-known family that owns a well-sized estate in a small mountainous country on another continent. Like most Cunningham males, at the age of 11 Ira was forced into a school that was ran and operated by his own family, made intently in order to train Cunningham males in a far range of abilities in order to sell them to an employer. While at the school, Ira learned survival skills, security management, assassination skills, and garnered a decent understanding of military operations, along with a host of other skills intended to make him into a great assistant or security personnel. Ira, along with his twin brother, both graduated on time at the age of 19, and were both sold to the same employer. Intending to work for their employer for an undecided amount of time, Ira has learned a lot about the world, but has regressed from his family's training, gaining a more practical and individualistic nature compared to other members of the family that graduated the school. ------------------------------------------ Name: Ashley Cunningham Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: Ashley keeps hist hair cut close to his head, leaving only a black buzz in it's place. However, the man has allowed a budding beard to take place on his face, giving a rough look to his otherwise baby-like face. Around 180cm tall, and weighing 90kgs, Ashley is rippling with refined muscle, which he does well to keep it in good shape. Scars adorn most of the man's body, underneath his clothes, a fact he does little to hide. Like his brother, Ashley also has piercing green eyes, although they appear like a fish's. Cold, dead, and never moving. Clothing: Ashley has opted for less clothing than his brother, although the cold never bothered him anyway. Donning a one piece thermal wear, along with a leather cowl neck jacket. For bottom wear, Ashley has chosen a pair of light military fatigues, loose but practical. For gloves, Ashley has light weight black cloth for protection, allowing his fingers the dexterous movement he prefers in his clothing. Underneath his jacket, Ashley wears a sapphire necklace, hidden from plain view. Weapons/Belongings: Like his brother, Ashley has opted for few weapons over many. A single woodcutters axe, slung across his back, is Ashley's main form of protection, but also allows him to use the weapon as an emergency tool. Besides the axe, Ashley keeps two small knives, which possess a 4 inch blade, tied to his belt foeasy use. r Magic: Ashley's necklace is able to absorb most magical attacks that are aimed in his immediate direction. While magically augmented physical objects would be unlikely to be completely stopped, Ashley can use the necklace to stop magical blasts, bursts, or other forms of attack that are compromised of magical energy. Personality: Ashley is as quiet as the grave, even when directly spoken to. Ashley only speaks in absolutely necessary moments that require his voice. Humorless, and rare to crack a smile, Ashley prefers to let his brother to handle more of the social aspect of their job, and for him to handle the physical part. Violent at his core, Ashley is far from chaotic. Most situations Ashley engages in are orderly and go as smoothly as possible, leaving a cold, calculating psychopath at the core of Ashley's person. Short History: Born into the Cunningham family, with Ira being his only sibling, Ashley immediately became a problem child. Constantly fighting with his brother, resulting in some near-death experiences for Ira, Ashley was eventually reined in by his grandfather, whom put him through a special course of the Cunningham school, at the age of 9. Neither brother saw each other until they were both admitted to the school. Ashley excelled at most of the courses, but often fought with instructors and other classmates. While sparring with a cousin, who was 15 at the time, while Ashley was 12, Ashley killed him with his bare hands -- having to be dragged from the mush that had become the child's body, by instructors. Eventually, Ira and Ashley became closer, realizing they'd eventually be partners and have to work together. The both completed the school, and immediately signed with an employer. Keeping to his violent nature, Ashley has been well-received by his organization. Now in Gris on orders of his employer, Ashley hopes to complete the mission as soon as possible, in order to return to his organization's home continent.