[color=ed1c24][u][b]Character by Yahtzee[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/D3ZE6UR.png[/img] Appreance: Slightly taller than the average height for a male his age but with a very skinny and lanky build giving him a sort of bedraggled look. His hair is black and messy with a medium-short length. His face is clean-shaven and his features are sharp. His eyes are a reddish-brown colour that seems more red than anything else but can't really be called that with a clean conscious. As far as clothing goes he wears blue jeans with a black long-sleeved shirt. There is also a bandage wrapped tightly around his right hand that covers a burn scar. Full Name: Aedan O' Connor Nickames/Alias/AKA: N/A Age: 19 Gender: Male DOB:29 April 1996 Occupation: Scholar Race: Human with the pyrokinetic ability to [i]manipulate[/i] fire although he can not generate it. Hair Color: Black Eye Color: reddish-brown Height and Build: Slightly taller than average (If he really stretches he makes 6'1 I think but I don't use feet and inches so when google stops being a pain I will be more specific) Also a very scrawny/skinny build Other Appearance: He has an Irish accent and a bandage tightly wound around the his right hand and goes up to his elbow. History/bio: Aeden grew up in an orphanage after being abandoned by his biological parents Oliver Twist style at the gates during a stormy evening in Ireland. He was always the runt and was constantly bullied for it. Despite, or maybe because of it, he found himself more cheerful than miserable and only something more serious could make him feel more negative emotions but not impossible. As time drew on he became harder and harder to hurt but that only spurred the bullies on harder and they moved from psychological to physical. After what seemed like forever a family finally took him with them and it was great. They were rich and sent him to the best schools and gave him a fantastic quality of life for three whole years. Aedan was eighteen and on his way back from his first ever job interview but upon arrival his heart plummeted as he saw the burning wreckage of his home and from inside the screams of his adopted parents and sister. Desperate to do something he ran forward and grabbed the doorhandle. As he did so the flames reach a gas main and the ensuing explosion should have killed him. As it was he was thrown high into the air but the flames never moved past his extended right arm although they did hungrily lick at it. Aiden couldn't explain partially because he wasn't sure what happened but also because his throat was filled with smoke. As he looked around for answers he saw a figure sauntering off. One he recognized as one of the bullies from the orphanage. Following the young man without hesitation he followed him into a secluded alleyway where the Aedan realized he had been lured into an ambush. The man dropped a lighter into a puddle of something flammable. It followed a trail to where Aedan was standing but as it was about to reach him he extended his burnt hand once more and the flames stopped, lifted into the air and shot backwards. They engulfed his would be attacker and as he screamed for mercy Aeden simply said "Burn." In a hoarse voice A year later Aeden found himself ready to enter the gates of an academy that would be able to show him how to use his powers with a broad grin and in his pocket was the silver zippo light that had claimed three lives so far. Family/Relationships: Nothing worth mentioning. He stays in touch with a few friends but only in a distracted sort of way. Other/Extra: Ever since finding out about dragons he has an intense fascination with them and is desperate to meet and befriend them.