[center][img]https://fanart.tv/fanart/tv/295685/tvposter/lucifer-55cdb3fa950c5.jpg[/img][/center] People call me many things, devil, dangerous, dark, scary, demonic. But do not belive everything you hear I am a pretty sweet devil at times and love to see what this sites got to offer, so no one be afraid and be welcoming to me people (OR i will rip your soul from your body with my bear hands) just kidding no worries. I live in south Carolina, I am very acive and i love playing any form of the devil, demon, supernatrual creature as wel. But be warned if your into instint love we will not work as a good partner. I do most 1x1 for starting and maybe will become more active on the plain of the group roleplay for now 1x1 are the bomb for me. So yeah, Sweet dreams you amazing little mortals , Fiju and hercom come on boys time to go, (Two helhounds follow me)