Gallus stepped up to the table and put down his drink. There were no seats immediately available, so he leaned forward and placed his palms on the table to join in the conversation near Meesei. "You may call me Gallus. Meesei and myself are responsible for those you see here," Gallus gave a glance to Meesei and let her lead the dialogue from then on. She was technically the leader here. While Ahnasha was stifling laughter, Fendros was mostly fearing a trick from Sees-No-Colours rather than a mere sleazy introduction. Hearing Ahnasha's comment, however, brought a wide smile to Fendros' face that he had to nod down to prevent from turning into a chuckle. After recovering, he breathed in and leaned to whisper to Ahnasha in return, "Let's see if he falls in love with a human in our group." Janius found the introduction mildly amusing as well, but he was remaining outwardly serious. Instead of commenting with whispers, he had the side of his fist to his lips with his other hand clasping his elbow, eyes flitting to each of the faces of Ra'maranja's pack. Though nothing seemed too suspicious about Ra'maranja's pack thus far, Janius was glad for Gallus' pack backing them all up here. Being frank, however, it was even less likely to become violent in such a public place than for this pack to intend harm.