Anita looked at where she was pointing and then back at Dusk almost dumbfounded by the decision. The sane option was clearly the exit, but that did carry risks. A brief look at the gunman currently having a shootout with what was left of the club's security made some things clear. They were well trained which mean obvious exits were covered. The basement would sound like a good idea if they knew what was down there. It was obvious Dusk made a choice out of sheer panic which wasn't surprising since even Anita was starting shake. She took a deep breath for a few seconds then held up her hand as a sign to wait. One of the attackers fell to the ground nearby. His rifle slid across the floor near their piece of cover. "Fuck me I'm lucky." she mumbled to herself then looked towards Dusk and nodded. At the moment the area between them and possible temporary safety was filled with gunfire. Anita slowly moved towards the edge of the booth and peaked out just to see what they had to deal with. She was able to get a small image of what was happening before ducking and avoiding a stray round. The close call was worth giving her the knowledge that there was at least a dozen fighters spread out near the entrance firing at anything that moved. They had one shot at this and it all relied on how much ammo that rifle still had. "Fuck I might not be that lucky." She grabbed a hold of Dusk's arm tightly and slowly began to get up but stayed low. It was becoming apparent through Anita's body language that they were about to run for it. She mentally counted down by five which made her tense up. In an instant she ran forward with Dusk and grabbed the rifle with her right hand and pushed Dusk forward with her left. As Dusk made a break for it Anita fired her newly acquired rifle in the general direction of the enemy forcing them into cover. She kept moving towards the bar while firing hoping that neither of them would catch a bullet.