Ok, here is my application. She is a character from a previous role play, so I had to change a few things so it would fit. If I missed something, or if you would like me to change anything, let me know. [Hider=Liara Corinne Hart] Name: Liara Corinne Hart Appearance: Fire red hair is typically pulled back in a loose braid. A few stubborn strands, free of their binds, whip around her face in the wind. When worn down, long layers frame her face and extend to the middle of her back. Enticing your gaze, when not shrouded by her hood, are a pair of pale blue eyes. These big, crystalline gems remind you of the sky on a cloudy day. Freckles scatter, mostly over her nose, brought on by her time in the sun of late. She stands at about 5’5”, 140lbs. A petite upper body, sitting upon wider hips and thicker thighs. Sporting decent muscle tone and womanly curves, she is certainly not the scrawny girl she once was. Pale skin tone, tanned only by her travels is covered in scars, most of them faded by now. While she usually covers them up, her back is marred with lash marks. One scar in particular that can be seen, sits just along her jawline, below her right ear. She typically wears light fabrics, leathers and cloths of darker shades, red being her favorite color. A large cowl normally covers most of her features. Dark brown leather boots extend up just past her knees, straps and buckles secure padding where would be needed. Plain cloth pants are held up by a thick brown belt, lined with a few pouches and oddities. [Hider] [img]https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/v/t1.0-9/10350438_10152189677407615_8190560971403640124_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=2289d55c7e0f77075f1dd57029b18789&oe=56B3E6C5[/img] [/hider] Age: 28 Gender: Female Race: Human Side: Light Weapons/Items: At her hip hang two kukris. They are short in length, from pommel to tip show to be about 10” long. They are identical to one another, the hilt is wrapped in a blue cord. She also carries at her hip a full quiver of arrows, paired with a yew longbow over her back. She wears a simple locket around her neck, hanging on a simple silver chain, usually tucked into her shirt. Abilities/Powers: The blood bound to hers is that of an ancient beast, or so her father had been told. But it has given her enhanced senses and increased her strength just enough to give her an edge over bigger competetors. One other significant ability it gave her, when faced with her enemies up close, she is able to instill fear and doubt. Talent(s): skilled marksman, expert tracker, and an impeccable taste in food. Personality: She likes food - of any variety really. She values honesty, loves rum, and gets lost in her books. The forest is her home, so she may seem ragtag and wild at first glance. Biography: Liara was born the youngest daughter of 2 children. Her older brother James, her father William and mother Lillia weren't wealthy by any means, but they did live comfortably, settled in the heart of a trade city. William worked as a cloth merchant, his wife and he built their business from the ground up. Things were steady for them and for a time, they seemed to be living the dream, the happy family often found in the books Liara liked to read. She was eight when it happened. She had been sick that evening, and so was left home with a neighbor while her family had been out for a night on the town. During their outing, the trio was attacked and left for dead, William being the only one to survive. In the months following the attack, he could barely look at his daughter, or tend to his shop, his life falling into disarray. They were eventually driven from their home and forced to live in the slums. Will took odd jobs here and there just to get food on the table, but nothing was ever enough, especially as he spent most of his coin on boos to carry him through the day. His relationship with Liara was strained. He did love her of course, and wanted to provide for her, but couldn’t find it within him to pull himself out of his own pool of self pity and destruction. Until one fated night, an opportunity came along. The fighting pits needed fresh blood. Anyone willing and able could win a lot of coin if victorious. He wouldn’t fight of course, but there were stories of a way to transform someone. There was a necromancer in the area who was known to work with the blood of demons. She was young, and could become exactly what he needed - pure brute strength. She was already getting into fights with other children her age. Perhaps this would be a good way outlet for that rage within her. It was within the back alley just near Mugg’s Tavern that the demon of wrath was created. Liara was already 15, her training was very slow to progress. There was so much rage, hatred towards her father for what he had done, towards those who had savagely killed her mother and brother, towards those who judged and teased her. It wasn’t until the age of 18 that she started fighting in the pits. She had finally learned to control her emotions, and she used them to her benefit. She was called the ‘berserker’ and she had one thing over everyone else, her tainted blood. That which both fed the urges for death and controlled them. She had spent a few years working the pits. Freedom had become a distant memory. A dream, one she both yearned for and feared. Her father's drinking got worse as the years went on. And the better Liara did in the pits, the more miserable he became. Eventually, his love for her turned to resentment and anger. Feelings that he would usually express with harsh words, occasionally a stick, or a fist. It started out exactly the same as all the other nights that week, which differed very little from every other night that month. They had returned home from a particularly bloody night at the pit. Liara had bested 3 former champions. The last fight was the worst of all. The rage had consumed her, she ended up ripping off her opponent's face. The evening's engagements encouraged no words between father and daughter. And when turned to face her, there was nothing but contempt and disgust reflected in his eyes. An argument erupted. And for the first time in her life, Liara retaliated. Something she had feared for the consequences that could, and ultimately did ensue. She left her home that night. She ran, ran so fast, her own feet could barely catch up to her. Once the pits claimed you as their warrior, you were it's prisoner, and there was no escape. She had killed her captor, and would die before she returned to hell. So she ran, caught the first boat out of town, and even then, retreated deep within the woods of wherever she ended up. It was there that she came upon a ranger. He was quite surprised when she explained she knew nothing of him or his battles. She had lived in the solace of their forest for almost a year, her goal being to find peace. Peace of mind and soul. She was now ready to return to the world. Archery, she found, was the best way to contribute to their wars. The steadiness, the control, the discipline, they were all things she had lacked in her previous life. It was also something that kept her at a safe distance from her opponent, and that was certainly a good thing- for everyone. Extras: wip [/hider]