[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3154068]"We put the C in Capitalism!" [Corporate troubles in a super powered future] by RoflsMazoy[/url] [img]http://i.imgur.com/T72qduH.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Thomas Breaker [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Occupation:[/b] Free World Group Spy [b]Bio:[/b] Breaker used to work for an information broker company, stealing and trading corporate secrets to anyone who would pay. Sending Breaker on a mission was often a risk/reward as he would bring home the juiciest dirt, but was more likely to set off an alarm due to his overconfidence. Despite this, he has a strange knack for getting out of bad situations unscathed. When the meteor hit and his company got swallowed up by the Free World Group, he was put in the corp's stealth and infiltration division. Although he still wishes that the corps would all collapse and the people will rise up and stuff, he recognizes that he has no choice but to comply with his overlord boss in his current position. Besides that, the FWG offered him some really fancy gear that his old company would never be able to afford, so it's not all bad. [b]Powers:[/b] None [b]Gear/Augments:[/b] [list] [*] Hacking PDA: Can connect to electronic devices of any kind, either wirelessly or with an Omni-cable. Stores 10 terabytes of data. Contains various programs that can bypass security systems, manipulate information and whatever other mission-specific programs he needs. [*] Invisibility cloak: Black suit that covers the entire body. When activated, bends 90% of light around the user and makes it difficult for observers to focus on it. [*] Bionic Leg: Improves running speed. A memento from that one mission with the armory. [*] Noisemaker: Small device that looks like a button panel. Can be mounted on any flat surface. Makes a wide array of noises for distraction. [*] Handheld Taser: Heavily modded to completely knock out the target for up to 30 minutes. [/list]