[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VxdYX2j.png[/img] OC: Created by [i][url=http://turtlequeen.tumblr.com/]turtlequeen[/url][/i][/center] [hider=Information][indent][b]Height:[/b] 5'8 → 5'11[/indent] [indent][b]Hair Color:[/b] Black[/indent] [indent][b]Eye Color:[/b] Steel[/indent] [indent][b]Complexion:[/b] Slightly pale → Fair[/indent] [indent][b]Body Composition:[/b] Lean[/indent][/hider] [indent][b]Username:[/b] Solace[/indent] [indent][b]Name:[/b] Yang Sada[/indent] [indent][b]Age:[/b] Fifteen years old → Twenty-five years old[/indent] [indent][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/indent] [indent][b]Country of Origin:[/b] China → United States[/indent] [indent][b]Role:[/b] Vongola Famiglia Associate/Student → (Future) Eleventh Generation Guardian of Cloud[/indent] [indent][b]Flame:[/b] [url=http://reborn.wikia.com/wiki/Cloud_Flame]Cloud[/url][/indent] [indent][b]Weapon/Fighting Style:[/b] Yang uses a chain with a medium-sized sickle attached to the end; he can wrap the chain around his arm to use the sickle as an extended blade, or use it to hook an enemy. This is his only means to fight or defend himself, at the moment. In the future, Yang lives up to his predecessor's strength and reputation, and is a powerful member in the ranks of the Guardians.[/indent] [hider=Ten Years Later][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iJdFgLe.png[/img][/center][/hider] [indent][b]Personality:[/b] Yang is very insecure about opening up to others; though not emotionally distant, his difficulty to hold meaningful conversation and fear of being held on the spot make him angst about interaction, which develops into his diffidence. His lack of social development can make him out to be immature sometimes, generally looking at unintended negativity like criticism as a personal attack to his character and rendering an impulsive reaction from the boy. Yang is relatively apathetic towards the idea of being selected as the Cloud Guardian candidate, as well as anything related to the status; he looks to strengthen himself as a person through the experience, and even then, is not that bad of a person once people get to know him.[/indent] [indent][b]History:[/b] Born in China, Yang Sada grew up in the presence of his uncle moreso than his own parents, who were associates of the Vongola Famiglia - his Japanese father and Chinese mother were whistleblowers of the Yakuza and Triad crime organizations, choosing to defect and elope after giving information to the Vongola about their operations. Both of the organizations settled their differences and temporarily aligned themselves together, aiming to hunt down Yang's family in revenge for their betrayal. Through the years to come, his province in particular began to grow more dangerous from the rising Triad-Yakuza alliance who had begun to close in on their hidden family residence, leading Yang's parents to take their son to the United States. Not wishing to leave their home behind, his uncle stayed back to watch over their family's long-preserved residence. Because of the lack of relatives to take care of him as a result, his parents took to raising their son together while continuing their association with the Vongola, requesting to only receive jobs from within the United States. Because of his, Yang moved around the many states all his life, never truly able to develop long-standing friendships or significant attachment to his settings. He would have to throw it all away once more at fifteen years old, when his parents took him to England under an emergency. [/indent] [indent][b]Quirk:[/b] Yang has a habit of puffing his cheeks whenever he is annoyed, and likes to eat the toppings of a pizza before eating the actual pizza itself. In cars, he always takes the window seat, and is very fascinated by people with glasses.[/indent] [indent][b]Overview:[/b] Soft-spoken and gentle, Yang Sada's social fragility and occasional child-like mannerism speak none about his longing for a stable friendship. His condiment-eating habit reflects his arbitrary interest in picking out the details of people's personalities, and his desire to possess those traits.[/indent] [center][b]Present Theme Song:[/b] [youtube=dzvepO-eEHA]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzvepO-eEHA[/youtube][/center]