[hider=Th. Jaklo Riecher]Letchworth Trainer Registry [b]Name:[/b] Jaklo “forster” Riecher. Call him Jak and you die. [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Gender: [/b]male [b]Physical Attributes (appearance):[/b] Jaklo stands 6’2” and weighs in just over two hundred pound. As Trainer head he's in top shape. He has a leaner figure, but it leaves him as pretty much all muscle. His facial features are sharp and complement his piercing eyes. It's often been said staring into Jaklo’s eyes is like staring down a dragon. Jaklo keeps his hair under his cap almost all the time, but what can be seen is shaggy and dark brown. Most often you'll find Jaklo in his uniform, despite never enforcing one on the other trainers. He stands tall and proud whenever he wears it, a figure for all lower rangers to look up to. Ever a mischievous smirk on his face Jaklo always is ready to go. [img]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5719/22170366044_ea79feb857_z.jpg[/img] Jaklo and Alice in special Mega Evolution Gear. Sort of symbolic clothes of their bonds with their starters. It's a long standing tradition to have them. Typically worn when challenged by other trainers. [img]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/777/22374727288_92451d8829_z.jpg[/img] Jaklo and Alice in field gear. It's nice to be comfortable when working. [img]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5667/22767069996_ddfc65470d_z.jpg[/img] Jaklo in a special operations uniform. It can change color slightly and is meant for the more dangerous missions. Jaklo is glad he hasn't had to wear it much. [b]Medical and Family History:[/b] Jaklo Riecher born July 25th was son to a pair of farmers in Letchworth. He applied to the trainers early on and bonded with a treecko named Yanso. They started simple like everyone else. Jaklo didn’t really show as a stand out until his bronze years. He showed proficiency with pokemon, and began taking advanced lessons from the Professor at that time Michael Slate Senior. During this time Jaklo became good friends with Michael’s son, a fellow ranger. Jaklo slowly built up a family of pokemon, and proved his talent time and time again. There was a fiery determination in the boy that couldn’t be doused even by the worst opposition. The stories are countless. Every time he’d enter the forest a new tale was born. When the previous Trainer Head stepped down Jaklo stepped up having been awarded platinum rank for his part in a special mission which has not been fully disclosed to the public. Jaklo leaves the people to tell his stories, and instead speaks with action. In his work as Trainer Head he has never gotten lazy. He still does plenty of field work choosing to leave most of the management to others like Prof. Slate. It’s long been known that Jaklo and his second in command Alice Maez have been in a relationship. Jaklo was a silver when he met the bronze trainer Alice. He was often assigned to mentor the trainer as she had problems following most others orders. Jaklo was the only one with enough energy to keep up with her. With the guidance of someone more skilled and her own boundless enthusiasm Alice soon caught up to Jaklo. The two jumped up the ranks Jaklo always just ahead of Alice. The two are largely inseparable. It’s their team work which has gotten them so far. Even without them being romantically involved the friendship at the base of that is what has made them such a great duo. Something all trainers should strive for. One trainer alone simply is not enough. It is the teamwork of them and thier pokemon that gets things done. The greatest story of Jaklo Riecher is one no one in the town forgets. It was late fall. The frosts had hit and the crops were harvested. Things had been tight that year, but the town make it through the winter. Then that thought was called into question when a massive storm rolled in. The weather was bitterly cold, and lightning cracked constantly against the black sky. People were told to shelter in place stay home and endure the storm, but soon they found it to be more than that. A figure had been seen flying through the storm throwing the bolts of lightning. The being disregarded everything in it’s bath sowing chaos through the forest and it was heading straight for town. Jaklo and a squad of other trainers were dispatched to handle it. Jaklo was one of three gold rangers at the time, Alice and Michael slate being the others. The group was those three and four silvers. They confronted the creature outside of town in the barren fields. IT was all of their pokemon versus just one. It was catastrophic. The pokemon was nothing they had ever seen before, a creature of legend, and so was its power. Despite using all of their pokemon against it the Thundurus wiped them out. Their pokemon lied bloody and weak in the dirt, and so the Thundurus looked to the trainers. He launched Michael through the air crippling the man the silvers retreated calling for an evacuation. Jaklo and Alice stared down the monster. It’s voice was thunder and laughed at the rangers’ failure. “Jaklo, we have to get out of here. He won.” “No! I won’t let him hurt anyone else.” “How are you going to fight him Yanso’s beaten too badly to go on.” “Scept!” The Sceptile groaned standing back up defiantly. “You heard the mon. We’re staying. You can go clear the town, but we won’t give up.” “Scep Tile! Scee.” Yanso agreed. Alice just nodded and ran. Even her hope was crushed. Thundurus laughed again raising his hand and firing massive bolts of lighting into the sky ones so bright you’d mistake it for mid day. Then raising both he launched a stream of raw electricity at Jaklo. Jaklo flinched holding his arms up despite knowing it would do no good. Yet the lightning never struck. Yanso stood before him enduring the blast. In that moment Yanso and Jaklo locked eyes their pain being shared, and their determination galvanized. An energy consumed Yanso then erupted to reveal him in a new form. Thundurus was taken aback for only a moment then continued firing lightning at the Sceptile. The energy no longer phased him and instead Yanso walked towards the legendary pokemon growing stronger with each step. “Alright Yanso. Time to teach this fool his mistakes! Tear him apart, dual chop and leaf blade.” The empowered Sceptile unleashed a flurry of attacks. His claws and leaf blades tore at the Thundurus sending is back away from town. “Clear the skies, ready…. and…” With a mighty roar Yanso’s pods began to glow and the storm was forced back in a ring around them as the sunlight poured down. “Yanso, solarcanon!” “Sceeeeeeeeeep TILE!” Yanso screamed as solar energy filled his body and was fired in one concentrated sphere from his mouth directly at Thundurus.. “Follow it up, hit him like a rock slide.” Jaklo ordered The ball exploded around Thundurus knocking him to the ground where Yanso engaged him again producing massive boulders to throw at his foe. The Thundurus was pummeled and crushed. It knew it had to leave now or it was all over, and so it fled, and has never been seen since. [b]Mental Health background:[/b] A proud and determined young man Jaklo stands as a symbol for the ideal trainer. A man who will do anything for his town as well as make the hard choices to protect nature from that same town. He has ferocity and compassion, pride and humility, a man who can be looked up to by anyone. He wishes he was as perfect as the stories make him. Jaklo’s really is just a man doing the best he can. He’s had to make hard calls, and no matter how often he’s called a hero he feels like he’s just a person. He has his moments where even he knows he did something amazing, but more often than not he thinks people praise him too much. He is human and struggles with many problems the public don’t get to know. He’s lost friends in this line of work, and that burden weighs on him even more when he’s told how great he is. If he’s so strong why couldn’t he help them? Jaklo knows he’s just a man, but he doesn't let that stop him. He carries on even when it seems lost even when everything is against him. They say Jaklo has the soul of a dragon a primal power just waiting to be unleashed. When Jaklo puts his heart and mind to something nothing stops him. [b]Rank:[/b] Platinum [b]Equipment Carried:[/b] Pokemon Equipment: x6-24 Pokeballs x6-12 Hyper Potions x2-8 Full Heals x3 (days) Pokemon Dry Rations Trainer Equipment: x1 Poke'com (communication device. headset with mic) x1 Poke'tech (has region map and other apps. Solar powered.) Generic Equipment: x50ft Rope x3 (days) Dry Rations (MRE's) x1 hatchet (on the larger side, black grip and still shiny head.) x1 Flashlight (big floodlight style) Custom/Personal Equipment: x1 Mega Gauntlet (Jaklo's personal Mega equipment made after finding Sceptilite deep within the forest center) x1 Carved Walking Staff (5 1/2 foot carved walking stick made by Jaklo uses it all the time. Even in town.) [b]Qualifications:[/b] Well studied in pokemon taught by Professor Michael Slate Senior. A highly athletic and acrobatic person. Capable of climbing, hiking, etc. Great endurance. Years of experience with pokemon. Has formed a bond capable of getting his Sceptile to mega evolve. Has battled and won against a legendary pokemon. Pokemon Species: Sceptile Name: Yanso Nature: Brave. Yanso shares the determination of his trainer both always pushing the other to be stronger. It’s doubtful that one could even live without the other at this point. The bond between them shows the true power of a pokemon and a human working together. It’s a sight to see as trainer and pokemon work as one. The tough training has strengthened both of them physically and mentally. Ability : Leaf Guard, Mega Evolution, Moves: Leaf Blade, Dual Chop, Solarbeam, Earthquake, Sunny Day, Thunder Punch, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace Species: Houndoom Name: Riff Nature: Hardy. A pokemon from the still burning urban centers of western Pennsylvania Riff is proof of the endurance and adaptability of pokemon. Ability : Adaptability Moves: Fire Fang, Crunch, Odor Sleuth, Species: Kabutops Name: Pierce Nature: Hasty. A quick and dangerous pokemon Pierce is always ready to fight still employing his feral instincts to subdue foes. Ability : Weak Armor Moves: Species: Braviary Name: Vale Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Lairon Name: Tex Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Buizel Name: Baroness Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Scolipede Name: Visp Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Nidorino Name: Pax Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Magneton Name: Vop Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Haunter Name: Plasim Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Noctowl Name: Lucas Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Electabuzz Name: Turbine Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Gliscor Name: Erok Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Duosion Name: Bwob Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Hariyama Name: Neel Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Sharpedo Name: Mako Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Avalugg Name: Pykre Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Togetic Name: Timmi Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Armaldo Name: Cuiss Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Krokorok Name: Reks Nature: Ability : Moves: [/hider]