[hider= Prof. Michael Shale Jr.] Letchworth Trainer Registry Name: Michael Shale Jr. Age: 28 Gender: male Physical Attributes (appearance): [img]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/702/22440911089_4c2f557a2b_z.jpg[/img] [img]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5720/22844240501_169ba6a2b7_z.jpg[/img] Medical and Family History (Background/story): Mental Health background (personality): Rank: Gold (Professor) Equipment Carried: Qualifications (skills and abilities): Fully educated in pokemon by Prof. Slate sr. Pokemon Species: Name (optional, but very recomended): Nature (personality): Ability (Pick a reasonable ability and other skills): Moves: Pick 8. One may be a ™ or egg move. starter pokemon for Oak’s should be around level 5. Bronze can have up to level 15. Level only matters here as a starting point. pokemon can grow in power infinitely basically. This is just the starting point for these guys. Species: Aerodactyl Name: Cliff Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Quagsire Name: Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Golem Name: Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Kadabra Name: Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Whismer Name: Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Name: Nature: Ability : Moves: Species: Name: Nature: Ability : Moves: [/hider]