Meesei clasped her hands together on the table, moving past the awkwardness of their introductions. "Well, we are here to investigate. Your messengers have not been arriving, and neither have ours." She answered. Ra'maranja's expression quickly became grim. "Our messengers? Khajiit sees." He said, his gaze turning expectantly to Colors beside him. There was a brief pause before the Argonian continued. "Our...messengers must have been intercepted. It is an issue we've been facing for some time. The enemy's agents have been much more aggressive in Elsweyr as of late. We...fear that there might be spies in our midst. Infiltrators who have been trying to cut off our communications." Colors suggested. Ra'maranja gave a quick glance to Colors with a slightly furrowed brow. "That is speculation, Colors. We have not yet found any evidence of infiltrators in our ranks, and we do not want to start a panic without good cause." "Of course." Colors said, lowering his head. "It's just something to consider, is all." Meesei regarded the exchange with an entirely neutral expression, and simply gave a nod. "I understand wanting to avoid panic, but our enemy is devious, and it is a threat not to be taken lightly. It is a possibility we should address. But, what of our messengers? Infiltrators would not know of the routes they take." She questioned. Ra'maranja's attitude once more became grim. He let out a breath and closed his eyes briefly. "Then none of them made it back. We did receive your messengers. We informed them of our situation, but they must have been intercepted on the way back, just like our messengers." "I see. Then this is a threat we will have to face. We did not come here as messengers, but rather to solve whatever problems you might be having. I would like you to take us to's leader. If it is indeed infiltration, I can assure you that we are experienced in rooting them out. If not, then we will help you find where the enemy's agents are hiding." Meesei requested. There was a brief pause as Ra'maranja looked back to the others standing behind him, who gave him a few nods. "Of course, but there is something we must do first. This one should send one of his own back to our leader, so that he can prepare to meet you all confidentially." Meesei shook her head. "I do not believe that will be necessary. A clandestine meeting may just create distrust and uncertainty among our people." "Respectfully, Ra'maranja disagrees." He said, lifting up one hand from the table. "As Colors pointed out, there is the possibility of infiltration, even if it is not proven. Your group in particular would make for a tempting target, or could drive them into hiding. This one knows it may take some time, but it would only be another day at most. At least leave the option open until you can meet with our leader." Meesei silently deliberated for a few seconds before giving something of a reluctant nod. "Very well. We will wait for your word." Colors suddenly chimed in with an unusually upbeat tone, considering the situation. "On the bright side, you can use this time to enjoy the city. I know a great inn you can all stay at for the night..." Ra'maranja interrupted Colors, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Nonsense. There is no need to need to force them to waste coin in the city. We have a sort of supply outpost not far outside the city. It could easily accommodate you all, and you could restock your supplies. There are a few matters we need to deal with in the city, but we can leave within the hour."