[@BlackPanther] Rasing an eyebrow from what he just said, Chloe looked Malcolm up and down [color=ed145b]A male witch huh....whatever floats your boat[/color] She smiled [color=ed145b]Hehe...yeah....there's never a dull moment with him. He was the one who made me consider taking in wizards and witches who cannot fight or refuse to be involved in all of this. He's crazy but he has a good heart but make yourself at home. SIIIIIIIIIS!!! where's the salmon!![/color] She asked again. Zoe came from the back [color=0076a3]Ok Ok I'm here....why do you want salmon-[/color] coming through looking at Malcolm and Salem on the counter and then catching Maxi and Lavender [color=0076a3]Oh...um...hi...did Maxi bring more people?[/color] she asked as Chloe nodded. [color=ed145b]The salmon is for the cat...well the familiar.[/color] having Zoe place the raw salmon down for Salem to eat. Maxi looked on "Malcolm, these are the sisters Chloe and Zoe...they run this shop and help ones like you and I. and Zoe....this girl here...Lavender, she's being dropped off here." [color=0076a3]Another hunter was attacking a little girl?[/color] She asked "Yep and she's an ice witch. Chloe looked at Malcolm [color=ed145b]Oh where's my manners, Malcolm would you like anything to eat or drink?[/color] [hider=Chloe] [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/c53f/i/2014/309/2/d/brown_hair_anime_girl_glasses_phone_render_png_by_seikiyukine-d85eu8p.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Zoe] [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140904161208/originalcharacters/images/7/76/Anime_.jpg[/img] [/hider]