When they were out of the portal, Jacoby and Chomp were met with a wondrous sight. Since there was no danger around at that moment, the 2 of them were more interested than worried by this magical turn of events. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1dCb26xOhmm]"Well" Jacoby said as he looked at the night sky above him "On the list of stunning things I've seen today, this is a solid 3"[/url]. Jacoby and Chomp then looked at the dwarf and the dreamwalker. Neither of them seemed to enjoy their new surroundings. Jacoby couldn't understand why they were so worried at the moment. This wasn't the dangerous kind of magic, so why make a fuss about it. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1H28bWXcDA1]"So we were sucked into a portal through the space time continuum and got booted out into a room where the night sky is the ceiling. Big deal!" Jacoby said "I mean come on! This is just the [i]entrance[/i] and 2 of us are already panicking at the sight of a little [i]magic[/i]" Jacoby looked at Hargrim "I thought dwarfs were supposed to as sturdy as the mountain they were born in" he then looked at Rucks "And as for you dreamer, I'm fairly certain you've seen stranger things than [i]this[/i] in the dream. Don't deny it"[/url].