"...If I may," Gallus said slowly, his demeanour now far more serious than before, "Colors, there is credence to your words. If messengers are being intercepted on the path north, that means that whatever operations the infiltrators have must be somewhere within our big group of friends, else the messengers would be caught without arriving. Whether or not it is true is irrelevant if it is possible. We need to account for it." Gallus gave Meesei a look, "Now, I can agree with the meeting in secret, but what we also must account for is the status of the group itself. We need to make sure of the situation on the ground, but, like you said, we must keep things under wraps. I suggest-" Gallus raised a hand, "-one to three of us poses as another messenger, but we do not leave so as to endanger ourselves. We would just need some method of communication, but if your leader can arrange a hidden meeting, we may be able to use that." Gallus' smile reappeared, "I could go to visit the headquarters, if you desire. I would prefer one or two companions, however." "What's to say that they don't already know we're here?" Janius asked, "We are not the most inconspicuous group." Fendros also piped up, "I don't know about that either. I would prefer not to separate if we can help it."