Meesei was not opposed to Gallus' plan, they would just need to proceed with caution if they were to attempt it. "That is a plan that could work, but we should perhaps not set ourselves too strongly into any particular plan before speaking to their leader. As long as our meeting has appropriate security, we should be able to make such plans in secret. Perhaps, if the leader could do so without suspicion, we could have this meeting outside of the...headquarters?" Ra'maranja nodded. "Yes, that may be possible. But, as Khajiit said, we need to inform him first. This one will make sure that possibility is suggested." "Thank you, Ra'maranja. I believe I would like for us to leave as soon as possible." Meesei responded. "Of course." Ra'maranja responded. "There are a few quick matters that we must tend to in the city, but meet here in an hour and we will take you to the outpost. You can wait there until our leader is informed and ready. Come, Colors. This one will require your assistance." Colors let out a sigh. "Of course you do." He muttered before standing up and following the Khajiit. The rest of their group followed suit, once more leaving Meesei's packs in the tavern. Ahnasha looked around at the others with some uncertainty. "So, what do you all make of this? It's not what I expected, certainly. After so long out of contact, I didn't expect them to still be here at all, honestly."