[hr] [center][h2][color=F0E68C]Aleksandr[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Alek viewed the obvious ploy with raised eyebrows. The woman, while beautiful, was clearly placed there to lure him out. While Alek would certainly go and see what she wanted with him, he wouldn't go unprepared. Leisurely getting off the couch, and stretching, he sauntered over to his desk, and pulled open the only drawer. Within, a .40 caliber, 9-shot Glock 27 pistol, with two clips beside it. Chambering one of the clips, and stuffing the other in a pant pocket, Alek hid the pistol inside his jacket, the firearm's small size leading to its' easy concealment. Pushing the drawer shut once more, he walked to the door of his apartment, and left the proximity alarms on. If they thought that they could break in while he was distracted, they (whomever they were,) were wrong. Exiting to the hallway, he headed to the elevator. Pushing the button, the twin metal doors slid open, and Alek stepped inside. Pushing the button to the level fifteen floors below, Alek waited in the elevator. Thinking of what could possibly be going on. [hr] When he reached the lobby, the receptionist gave him an odd look, but the woman didn't say anything. Probably because Alek paid her to keep her mouth shut, if questioned. As the automatic glass doors parted before him, Alek began scanning the street, looking for threats. When he found none, he jogged across the street, breath creating fog, that hung in the air. Approaching the alley, he made sure his Glock 27 was in such a position as to be drawn quickly, as he didn't trust anyone who put a half-naked attractive woman on a rooftop below his window. When he reached the back of the alley, where the woman was certain to be waiting, he would gaze at her, appreciating the view, but then say, [color=F0E68C]"A bit chilly to be wearing that, or rather, not wearing much at all, don't you think?"[/color]